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腻子粉石膏粉埃斯顿关节码垛机器人自动化生产线Putty powder, gypsum powder, Eston joint palletizing robot
发布时间:2024-06-25 14:57:48 | 浏览次数:





1. 原料处理:原材料如石膏、胶凝材料等首先经过计量、混合均匀。

2. 制备与烘干:混合后的物料通过特定设备制成浆料,随后进入烘干环节形成粉末状产品。

3. 筛分与包装:干燥后的粉末通过筛分确保粒度符合标准,然后送入自动包装机。

4. 码垛:这是埃斯顿关节码垛机器人发挥作用的主要环节,它负责将包装好的成品按预定模式堆叠到托盘上,准备入库或运输。


• 灵活性高:关节机器人具有多个自由度,能适应不同尺寸和形状的包装箱,实现快速精准的抓取和放置。

• 高效稳定:相比人工码垛,机器人可以连续工作,显著提升码垛速度和准确性,减少破损率。

• 节省成本:长期来看,自动化生产线能降低劳动力成本,提高生产效率,减少工伤风险。

• 易于集成:埃斯顿机器人通常配备有先进的控制系统,可以轻松与现有的生产线管理系统(如MES、ERP)对接,实现智能化管理。


1. 产品检测:在包装后,通过视觉系统检查每个包装袋的质量,确保无破损或重量不符。

2. 拾取与搬运:机器人根据检测结果,精确地从输送带上拾取合格的包装袋。

3. 码垛排列:根据预设程序,机器人将包装袋按层排列在托盘上,可以是直线型、交错型等多种码放模式。

4. 托盘处理:码垛完成后,机器人或辅助机械手会将托盘送至缠绕机进行固定,或直接送入仓库。

5. 数据记录:整个过程中产生的生产数据会被收集并分析,用于优化生产流程和维护计划。


Putty powder, gypsum powder, Eston joint palletizing robot automatic production line

The automation of the production and packaging process of putty powder and gypsum powder is an important trend in the modern building materials industry to improve efficiency and quality. As a well-known manufacturer of industrial robots, Estun's joint palletizing robots play a key role in automating these production lines. Here's an overview of how to apply Estun joint palletizing robots on automated lines for putty and gypsum powders:

An overview of the production line process

1. Raw material treatment: Raw materials such as gypsum and cementitious materials are first measured and mixed evenly.

2. Preparation and drying: The mixed material is made into a slurry by specific equipment, and then enters the drying process to form a powdered product.

3. Sieving and packing: The dried powder is screened to ensure that the particle size meets the standard, and then sent to the automatic packaging machine.

4. Palletizing: This is the main part of the role of the Estun joint palletizing robot, which is responsible for stacking the packaged finished products onto pallets according to a predetermined pattern, ready for warehousing or transportation.

Application of Estun joint palletizing robot

• High flexibility: The articulated robot has multiple degrees of freedom and can adapt to different sizes and shapes of boxes, achieving fast and accurate grasping and placement.

• Efficient and stable: Compared with manual palletizing, the robot can work continuously, significantly improving the palletizing speed and accuracy, and reducing the breakage rate.

• Cost savings: In the long run, automated production lines can reduce labor costs, improve production efficiency, and reduce the risk of work-related injuries.

• Easy to integrate: Estun robots are usually equipped with advanced control systems, which can be easily connected with existing production line management systems (such as MES, ERP) to achieve intelligent management.

Example steps for an automated production line

1. Product inspection: After packing, check the quality of each bag through the vision system to ensure that there is no damage or weight dismatch.

2. Picking and handling: The robot accurately picks up the qualified bags from the conveyor belt according to the inspection results.

3. Palletizing arrangement: According to the preset program, the robot arranges the packaging bags on the pallet in layers, which can be linear type, staggered type and other stacking modes.

4. Pallet handling: After palletizing is complete, the robot or assistant manipulator will send the pallet to the wrapping machine for fixation, or directly to the warehouse.

5. Data Logging: The production data generated throughout the process is collected and analyzed for the optimization of production processes and maintenance plans.

To sum up, the application of Estun joint palletizing robot in the automatic production line of putty powder and gypsum powder not only improves production efficiency and product quality, but also promotes the intelligence and modernization of production management. 

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版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1