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  • 本森智能装备(山东)有限公司
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埃斯顿25公斤吨包袋码垛机器人Estun 25 kg ton bag palletizing robot
发布时间:2024-06-29 09:26:15 | 浏览次数:




1. 高效率与稳定性:埃斯顿的码垛机器人能够实现快速且精准的码垛动作,提高生产效率,同时保证作业的稳定性和一致性。

2. 智能化操作:具备智能化管理系统,可以根据预设程序自动完成抓取、搬运、码放等一系列动作,减少人工干预,降低劳动强度。

3. 灵活适应性:能够适应不同尺寸的吨包袋和托盘,通过调整编程,轻松应对各种码垛模式和层数需求。

4. 安全性能:集成有多重安全保护措施,确保在高速运行的同时保障人员安全。

5. 易于维护:设计考虑了维护便利性,简化日常检查和维护流程,减少停机时间。

Estun 25 kg ton bag palletizing robot

Estun offers palletizing robot solutions designed for 25 kg ton bags, which are suitable for scenarios that require efficient and automated palletizing operations, especially when handling bagged materials such as powders, granules, chemical raw materials, etc. These robotic systems typically have the following features:

1. High efficiency and stability: Estun's palletizing robot can achieve fast and accurate palletizing action, improve production efficiency, and ensure the stability and consistency of the operation.

2. Intelligent operation: With an intelligent management system, a series of actions such as grabbing, handling, and stacking can be automatically completed according to preset programs, reducing manual intervention and labor intensity.

3. Flexible adaptability: Able to adapt to different sizes of bags and pallets, through adjustment programming, it can easily cope with various palletizing modes and layer needs.

4. Safety performance: Integrated with multiple safety protection measures to ensure the safety of personnel while running at high speed.

5. Ease of Maintenance: Designed with ease of maintenance in mind, simplifying routine inspection and maintenance processes and reducing downtime.

 上一篇:化肥埃斯顿关节码垛机器人垛码机Fertilizer Eston Joint Palletizing Robot Palletizing Machine
 下一篇:吨包袋立柱码垛机器人Ton bag column palletizing robot




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1