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喷涂机器人全自动喷漆机器人双工位工业机器人小型机械臂Spraying robot, fully automatic painting robot, double
发布时间:2024-08-05 15:34:29 | 浏览次数:





  1. 提高生产效率:喷涂速度快、效率高,大大缩短生产周期,提高生产效益。

  2. 保证喷涂质量:精准度高、重复性好,不会因人为因素导致喷涂质量不稳定。

  3. 降低劳动强度和安全风险:减少工人长时间操作,喷涂液体对人体有害,而喷涂机器人则不需要人工干预。

  4. 节省喷涂材料:通过调整喷涂量、喷涂速度等参数,精确控制喷涂材料的消耗量。


  • 路径规划技术:按照预先设计的轨迹进行喷涂,喷涂精度高、稳定性好。

  • 涂料供给技术:通过不同的喷头、调整涂料供给量和喷涂压力等手段,喷涂不同类型、不同质量的涂料。

  • 空气动力学技术:控制涂料颗粒的分布,实现高质量、均匀的涂装效果。

  • 智能控制技术:实现对喷涂过程的各种参数的精确控制和调节。



  • 高度自动化:从涂料供给、喷涂作业到清洗换色等过程,均实现自动化操作。

  • 高精度控制:通过先进的控制系统和传感器,实现对喷涂轨迹、喷涂量、喷涂速度等参数的精确控制。

  • 智能化管理:集成智能控制系统,能够实时监控喷涂作业状态,并根据生产需求进行智能调度和管理。




  • 双工位作业:能够在两个工位之间快速切换,提高生产效率。

  • 小型化设计:结构紧凑、占用空间小,适用于空间有限的生产环境。

  • 灵活性高:具备多关节设计,能够灵活应对各种复杂作业需求。

  • 智能化控制:通过智能控制系统,实现对作业过程的精确控制和调节。



  • 生产需求:根据实际需求选择合适的设备型号和规格。

  • 技术性能:关注设备的喷涂精度、喷涂速度、稳定性等性能指标。

  • 售后服务:选择有良好售后服务体系的供应商,确保设备在使用过程中的稳定性和可靠性。

  • 成本效益:综合考虑设备的购置成本、运行成本和维护成本,选择性价比高的产品。

Spraying robots, automatic painting robots and double-station industrial robots are important equipment in modern industrial automation, which play an important role in improving production efficiency, ensuring spraying quality, reducing labor intensity and safety risks. Here's a closer look at these devices:

Spraying robots

Definition and Function:

A spraying robot is an industrial robot that can automatically paint or spray other paints. It is integrated in system manufacturing as a unit equipment of the spraying production line, and is mainly used for automotive body spraying production lines, as well as painting operations in electronics, furniture, construction, machinery and other fields. The spraying robot has the following functions:

Improve production efficiency: fast spraying speed and high efficiency, greatly shorten the production cycle and improve production efficiency.

Ensure the spraying quality: high accuracy, good repeatability, and will not cause unstable spraying quality due to human factors.

Reduce labor intensity and safety risks: reduce workers to operate for a long time, spraying liquids are harmful to the human body, and spraying robots do not need human intervention.

Save spraying material: Accurately control the consumption of spraying material by adjusting parameters such as spraying volume and spraying speed.

Technical features:

Path planning technology: spraying according to the pre-designed trajectory, with high spraying accuracy and good stability.

Paint supply technology: spray different types and different quality coatings by means of different nozzles, adjusting the amount of paint supply and spraying pressure.

Aerodynamics: Controls the distribution of paint particles to achieve high-quality, uniform coating results.

Intelligent control technology: to achieve precise control and adjustment of various parameters of the spraying process.

Fully automatic painting robot

The automatic painting robot is a kind of spraying robot, which integrates more advanced automation technology and control system, which can achieve more efficient painting operations. Fully automatic painting robots usually have the following characteristics:

Highly automated: From paint supply, spraying operations to cleaning and color change, all processes are automated.

High-precision control: Through advanced control systems and sensors, accurate control of parameters such as spraying trajectory, spraying amount, and spraying speed can be realized.

Intelligent management: The integrated intelligent control system can monitor the spraying operation status in real time, and carry out intelligent scheduling and management according to production needs.

Double-station industrial robot small robotic arm

The small robotic arm of the double-station industrial robot is an industrial robot with the ability of double-station operation, which combines the flexibility of a small robotic arm with the efficiency of double-station operation. This type of equipment is often used in production lines that require frequent workpiece changes or complex assembly operations.

Features & Benefits:

Dual-station operation: Ability to quickly switch between two stations to increase productivity.

Miniaturized design: Compact structure, small footprint, suitable for production environments with limited space.

High flexibility: With multi-joint design, it can flexibly cope with various complex operation needs.

Intelligent control: Through the intelligent control system, the precise control and adjustment of the operation process can be realized.

 上一篇:日本川崎喷涂机器人KJ194负载15公斤臂展1940mm Japan Kawasaki spraying robot KJ194 load 15 kg arm
 下一篇:家具自动喷涂设备 工业焊接机器人六轴喷涂机械手Furniture automatic spraying equipment Industrial welding




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

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