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自动化喷涂机械手 五金制品喷涂机器人定制Automatic spraying manipulator hardware products spraying ro
发布时间:2024-08-06 08:38:29 | 浏览次数:




1. 功能特点

  • 高精度喷涂:通过精确控制喷涂轨迹和喷涂参数,实现高精度喷涂,确保涂层均匀、无遗漏。

  • 柔性作业:机械手具有较大的活动范围和多关节设计,能够灵活应对复杂工件的喷涂需求。

  • 智能化控制:配备先进的控制系统,支持离线编程和在线调试,便于用户根据实际需求进行快速调整。

2. 定制流程

  • 需求分析:与客户沟通,明确喷涂工件的材质、形状、尺寸及喷涂要求等。

  • 方案设计:根据需求分析结果,设计合适的喷涂机械手方案,包括机械结构、控制系统、喷涂装置等。

  • 生产制造:按照设计方案进行生产制造,包括机械加工、装配调试等环节。

  • 安装调试:将生产好的喷涂机械手送至客户现场进行安装调试,确保设备正常运行并满足客户需求。

  • 售后服务:提供完善的售后服务,包括设备维护、故障排除、操作培训等。

3. 价格范围



1. 针对性设计


2. 定制要点

  • 适应性:确保机器人能够适应不同形状、尺寸和材质的五金制品喷涂需求。

  • 耐用性:五金制品喷涂过程中可能涉及到金属颗粒、粉尘等环境因素,因此机器人需要具备较高的耐用性和防护等级。

  • 智能化:通过集成先进的传感器、控制系统和人工智能算法,实现喷涂过程的智能化监控和调整。

3. 定制案例




Automated spraying manipulators and hardware spraying robots play an important role in modern manufacturing, which can significantly improve spraying efficiency, ensure spraying quality, and reduce labor costs. Here are some details on the customization of these two types of equipment:

1. Customization of automatic spraying manipulator

1. Functional features

High-precision spraying: By accurately controlling the spraying trajectory and spraying parameters, high-precision spraying is achieved to ensure that the coating is uniform and no omissions.

Flexible operation: The manipulator has a large range of motion and a multi-joint design, which can flexibly cope with the spraying needs of complex workpieces.

Intelligent control: Equipped with an advanced control system, it supports offline programming and online debugging, which is convenient for users to quickly adjust according to actual needs.

2. Customize the process

Demand analysis: communicate with customers to clarify the material, shape, size and spraying requirements of the sprayed workpiece.

Scheme design: According to the results of demand analysis, design a suitable spraying manipulator scheme, including mechanical structure, control system, spraying device, etc.

Manufacturing: manufacturing according to the design plan, including machining, assembly and debugging.

Installation and commissioning: Send the produced spraying manipulator to the customer's site for installation and commissioning to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and meet customer needs.

After-sales service: Provide perfect after-sales service, including equipment maintenance, troubleshooting, operation training, etc.

3. Price range

The price of an automated spraying manipulator varies depending on the brand, model, configuration, and other factors. Generally speaking, the price range of common spraying manipulators on the market ranges from tens of thousands of yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan. The specific price will also be determined according to actual demand and market availability.

2. Hardware products spraying robot customization

1. Targeted design

Hardware spraying robots need to be designed according to the characteristics of hardware products, such as the treatment requirements of metal surfaces, the types and properties of coatings, etc. This requires the robot to be able to precisely control the spray volume, spray speed and spray distance during the spraying process to ensure the adhesion and corrosion resistance of the coating.

2. Customize the bullet points

Adaptability: Ensure that the robot can adapt to the needs of hardware spraying of different shapes, sizes and materials.

Durability: Environmental factors such as metal particles and dust may be involved in the spraying process of hardware products, so the robot needs to have a high durability and protection level.

Intelligent: Through the integration of advanced sensors, control systems and artificial intelligence algorithms, the intelligent monitoring and adjustment of the spraying process is realized.

3. Customize the case

Take a hardware products company as an example, the company customized a robot that sprays the hardware locks it produces. The robot has the characteristics of high-precision spraying, multi-joint design and intelligent control, and can efficiently and accurately complete the spraying operation on the surface of the lock. At the same time, the robot is also equipped with an environmentally friendly paint recycling system, which effectively reduces paint waste and environmental pollution.

3. Summary

The customization of automated spraying manipulators and hardware spraying robots needs to be personalized according to specific needs. By selecting the right brand, model and configuration, combined with advanced production technology and manufacturing processes, it is possible to produce high-quality spraying equipment that meets the needs of customers. At the same time, perfect after-sales service is also an important guarantee to ensure the long-term stable operation of the equipment.

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