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喷涂工业机器人供应 本体重量KG1267 高精度 快速上手Spraying Industrial Robot Supply Body Weight KG1267
发布时间:2024-08-06 10:42:22 | 浏览次数:




  1. 本体重量:1267KG,这一重量表明该机器人属于重型工业机器人,适合处理大型工件或需要较高稳定性的喷涂作业。

  2. 高精度:高精度的喷涂工业机器人能够确保喷涂的均匀性和准确性,减少涂料浪费,提高产品质量。

  3. 快速上手:通常意味着该机器人配备了用户友好的操作系统和界面,使得操作人员能够快速熟悉并掌握其操作方法,缩短培训周期,提高生产效率。




  1. 价格范围:由于喷涂工业机器人的价格受到品牌、型号、配置等多种因素的影响,因此价格差异较大。一般来说,本体重量为1267KG的喷涂工业机器人价格可能从数万元到数十万元不等。具体价格需要根据实际需求与供应商进行协商确定。

  2. 购买建议

    • 在购买前,应充分了解自身需求,包括喷涂工件的尺寸、重量、材质以及喷涂质量要求等。

    • 选择信誉良好、技术实力雄厚的供应商进行合作。

    • 详细了解机器人的技术参数、性能特点以及售后服务等信息。

    • 在购买过程中,可以邀请专业人士进行现场考察和评估,以确保选购到最适合自身需求的喷涂工业机器人。


  1. 安装与调试:喷涂工业机器人的安装与调试需要由专业人员进行操作,以确保机器人能够正常运行并达到预期的喷涂效果。

  2. 维护与保养:定期对喷涂工业机器人进行维护与保养可以延长其使用寿命并保持其良好的工作状态。维护内容包括但不限于清洁机器人表面、检查电气连接、更换磨损部件等。

  3. 安全与环保:在使用喷涂工业机器人时,应严格遵守相关安全操作规程和环保法规要求,确保操作人员的人身安全和作业环境的清洁无污染。


Regarding the supply of spraying industrial robots, the body weight is 1267KG, and the product has the characteristics of high precision and quick start, the following are some details and related instructions:

First, product features

Body weight: 1267KG, this weight indicates that the robot is a heavy-duty industrial robot, suitable for handling large workpieces or spraying operations that require high stability.

High precision: High-precision spraying industrial robots can ensure the uniformity and accuracy of spraying, reduce paint waste, and improve product quality.

Quick to get started: This usually means that the robot is equipped with a user-friendly operating system and interface, which allows the operator to quickly familiarize himself with and master its operating methods, shorten the training cycle, and improve production efficiency.

Second, the market supply

AT PRESENT, THERE ARE MANY MANUFACTURERS ON THE MARKET THAT PROVIDE SPRAYING INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS WITH A BODY WEIGHT OF 1267KG, SUCH AS KUKA'S KR210 SERIES. These robots are widely used in automobile manufacturing, home appliance production, furniture spraying and other fields.

3. Price and purchase suggestions

Price range: Since the price of spraying industrial robots is affected by various factors such as brand, model, and configuration, the price difference is large. Generally speaking, the price of a spraying industrial robot with a body weight of 1267KG may range from tens of thousands of yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan. The specific price needs to be negotiated with the supplier according to the actual demand.

Buying advice:

Before purchasing, you should fully understand your own needs, including the size, weight, material and spraying quality requirements of the sprayed workpiece.

Choose a reputable supplier with strong technical strength for cooperation.

Learn more about the robot's technical parameters, performance characteristics, and after-sales service.

During the purchase process, professionals can be invited to conduct on-site inspections and evaluations to ensure that you have selected the most suitable spraying industrial robot for your needs.

4. Other precautions

Installation and commissioning: The installation and commissioning of spraying industrial robots need to be operated by professionals to ensure that the robots can operate normally and achieve the expected spraying results.

Maintenance and maintenance: Regular maintenance and maintenance of spraying industrial robots can extend their service life and keep them in good working condition. Maintenance includes, but is not limited to, cleaning robot surfaces, checking electrical connections, replacing worn parts, etc.

Safety and environmental protection: When using spraying industrial robots, relevant safety operating procedures and environmental protection regulations should be strictly adhered to to ensure the personal safety of operators and the clean and pollution-free working environment.

To sum up, the spraying industrial robot with a body weight of 1267KG has the characteristics of high precision and quick start-up, and has a wide range of application prospects in the market. In the process of purchase and use, it is necessary to pay attention to the relevant matters mentioned above to ensure that the robot can operate normally and perform at its best.

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电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


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