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六轴喷涂工业机器人 高精度搬运上下料焊接机器人Six-axis spraying industrial robot High-precision handlin
发布时间:2024-08-07 10:02:51 | 浏览次数:




1. 定义与功能


2. 技术特点

  • 高精度:通过先进的控制系统和传感器,实现高精度的喷涂作业,确保喷涂精度达到微米级。

  • 灵活性:六个旋转轴的设计使得机器人能够在三维空间内进行复杂的运动,适应不同形状和尺寸的产品喷涂需求。

  • 喷涂效果:喷涂精确,漆料耗用省,工作节拍短,可24小时不间断工作,喷涂均匀且能自动调整喷枪位置以适应工件变化。

  • 环保安全:机器人防爆、环保,操作控制简单易学,且能同时喷涂多种不同产品,提高生产效率。

3. 应用领域



1. 定义与功能


2. 技术特点

  • 高精度:采用先进的视觉识别系统和精密的伺服电机控制技术,实现工件的精确定位和搬运。

  • 稳定性:机器人焊接时各焊接参数稳定不变,焊接质量无人为影响,焊缝均匀且重复精度高。

  • 灵活性:多轴设计使得机器人能够在复杂的工作环境中灵活作业,适应不同形状和尺寸的工件焊接需求。

  • 高效性:机器人可实现双工位或多工位焊接操作,节省产品安装夹具时间,大大提高生产效率。

3. 应用领域



Six-axis spraying industrial robots and high-precision loading and unloading welding robots are important equipment in modern industrial automation, and they have shown excellent performance and advantages in their respective application fields. Here's a closer look at both bots:

Six-axis spraying industrial robot

1. Definitions and Functions

The six-axis spraying industrial robot is an automated equipment that integrates high-precision spraying technology and multi-axis flexibility. It enables precise spraying in complex spaces, ensuring that the surface of the product is evenly coated, smooth and meets the required quality requirements.

2. Technical features

High precision: Through advanced control systems and sensors, high-precision spraying operations are achieved to ensure that the spraying accuracy reaches the micron level.

Flexibility: The design of the six axes of rotation allows the robot to perform complex movements in three-dimensional space, adapting to different shapes and sizes of products.

Spraying effect: accurate spraying, low paint consumption, short working cycle, 24-hour uninterrupted work, uniform spraying and automatic adjustment of the gun position to adapt to the change of workpiece.

Environmental protection and safety: The robot is explosion-proof and environmentally friendly, the operation control is simple and easy to learn, and it can spray a variety of different products at the same time to improve production efficiency.

3. Applications

Six-axis spraying industrial robots are widely used in automobile manufacturing, home appliance production, furniture manufacturing, metal products processing and other industries, especially in scenarios that require high-quality spraying effects and mass production.

High-precision handling loading and unloading welding robot

1. Definitions and Functions

The high-precision handling loading and unloading welding robot is an automated equipment that integrates high-precision handling, loading and unloading and welding technology. It can automatically complete the handling, positioning, clamping, welding and unloading of workpieces on the welding production line, improving production efficiency and welding quality.

2. Technical features

High precision: Advanced visual recognition system and precision servo motor control technology are used to achieve precise positioning and handling of workpieces.

Stability: The welding parameters are stable and unchanged during robot welding, the welding quality is not affected by human beings, and the weld is uniform and the repeatability is high.

Flexibility: The multi-axis design allows the robot to work flexibly in complex working environments, adapting to the welding needs of workpieces of different shapes and sizes.

High efficiency: The robot can realize double-station or multi-station welding operation, saving time for product installation and fixture, and greatly improving production efficiency.

3. Applications

High-precision handling loading and unloading welding robots are widely used in hardware tools, metal furniture, automobile maintenance, construction, pipeline engineering, general machinery and other industries, especially in welding scenarios that require high-quality welds and efficient production.

To sum up, six-axis spraying industrial robots and high-precision handling loading and unloading welding robots are important equipment in modern industrial automation, and they provide strong support for the production of different industries through the advantages of high precision, flexibility and high efficiency.

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