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  • 电话:156 8882 9575
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伺服机械手喷涂搬运焊接码垛工业上下料四六轴通用机器人定制供应Servo manipulator, spraying, handling, welding, pa
发布时间:2024-08-07 10:27:31 | 浏览次数:






  • 喷涂功能:适用于汽车内饰件、摩托车配件、头盔、家电、笔记本外壳、手机外壳、音响外壳等外观不规则的产品表面涂装,节省油漆。

  • 搬运功能:能够自动完成物料的搬运、装卸等任务,减轻人工劳动强度,提高搬运效率。

  • 焊接功能:适用于各种金属材料的焊接,如不锈钢、铝合金等,能够实现精确、稳定的焊接效果。

  • 码垛功能:将产品按照一定规则进行堆叠和码放,提高仓库存储效率和空间利用率。

  • 上下料功能:自动完成机床、生产线等设备的上下料操作,提高生产线的自动化程度。


  • 定制化服务:根据客户的具体需求和生产线情况,提供个性化的机器人定制服务,包括机器人本体设计、控制系统开发、辅助设备集成等。

  • 价格范围:由于不同品牌、型号和规格的机器人价格差异较大,因此具体的价格需要根据客户需求和定制程度来确定。一般来说,市场上伺服机械手喷涂搬运焊接码垛工业上下料四六轴通用机器人的价格范围较广,从数千元到数十万元不等。





The relevant information about the customized supply of four- and six-axis general robots for servo manipulator spraying, handling, welding, palletizing, industrial loading and unloading, can be summarized from the following aspects:

1. Product Overview

Servo manipulator spraying, handling, welding, palletizing, industrial loading and unloading, four- and six-axis general robot is a highly flexible and automated industrial equipment, which is widely used in spraying, handling, welding, palletizing, loading and unloading and other fields. These robots are driven by servo motors, which enable precise motion control and positioning, which improves production efficiency and product quality.

2. Functional characteristics

Spraying function: It is suitable for surface coating of irregular-looking products such as automotive interior parts, motorcycle accessories, helmets, home appliances, notebook shells, mobile phone shells, audio shells, etc., saving paint.

Handling function: It can automatically complete the handling, loading and unloading of materials and other tasks, reduce the labor intensity and improve the handling efficiency.

Welding function: It is suitable for the welding of various metal materials, such as stainless steel, aluminum alloy, etc., and can achieve accurate and stable welding results.

Palletizing function: stacking and stacking products according to certain rules to improve warehouse storage efficiency and space utilization.

Loading and unloading function: automatically complete the loading and unloading operation of machine tools, production lines and other equipment, and improve the degree of automation of the production line.

3. Customized supply

Customized service: According to the specific needs of customers and the production line, we provide personalized robot customization services, including robot body design, control system development, auxiliary equipment integration, etc.

Price range: Since the price of robots of different brands, models and specifications varies greatly, the specific price needs to be determined according to customer needs and the degree of customization. Generally speaking, the price range of servo manipulator spraying, handling, welding, palletizing, industrial loading and unloading four- and six-axis general robots on the market is wide, ranging from thousands of yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Fourth, application scenarios

The servo manipulator spraying, handling, welding, palletizing, industrial loading and unloading, and six-axis general robot are suitable for various industrial automation scenarios, such as automobile manufacturing, home appliance production, electronic manufacturing, metal products processing and other industries. These robots can significantly improve production efficiency and product quality, and reduce labor costs and labor intensity.

V. Conclusions

To sum up, the servo manipulator spraying, handling, welding, palletizing, industrial loading and unloading four-six-axis general robot is a powerful and highly flexible industrial automation equipment. Through customized services, we can meet the individual needs of different customers. When selecting and using such robots, factors such as product characteristics, application scenarios, and supplier strength should be fully considered.

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电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1