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在线跟踪喷涂机器人 无气喷漆机械手 离线喷涂机械臂Online tracking spraying robot Airless painting manipul
发布时间:2024-08-07 16:20:10 | 浏览次数:




1. 定义与特点

  • 在线跟踪喷涂机器人是一种能够实时跟踪工件位置并自动调整喷涂轨迹的机器人。

  • 它通常配备有先进的视觉识别系统和控制系统,能够精确识别工件形状和位置,实现高精度的喷涂作业。

2. 应用场景

  • 在线跟踪喷涂机器人广泛应用于汽车制造、家电制造、航空航天等领域,特别是在需要高精度喷涂的复杂工件上表现尤为出色。

3. 市场价格

  • 市场价格因品牌、型号和配置而异。例如,某些品牌的在线跟踪喷涂机器人价格可能高达数十万甚至上百万元。具体价格还需根据实际需求进行定制和询价。


1. 定义与特点

  • 无气喷漆机械手是一种采用无气喷涂技术的机械手。

  • 无气喷涂技术通过高压将涂料直接喷射到工件表面,无需空气辅助,因此具有喷涂效率高、涂层质量好、涂料利用率高等优点。

2. 应用场景

  • 无气喷漆机械手适用于大面积、高要求的喷涂作业,如船舶制造、桥梁建设等领域的防腐涂装。

3. 市场价格

  • 市场价格同样因品牌、型号和配置而异。一般来说,无气喷漆机械手的价格相对较为合理,能够满足不同企业的需求。


1. 定义与特点

  • 离线喷涂机械臂是一种在生产线外进行喷涂作业的机械臂。

  • 它通常用于工件的预处理或后处理阶段,能够独立完成喷涂作业,减少生产线上的等待时间。

2. 应用场景

  • 离线喷涂机械臂适用于需要单独处理或特殊喷涂要求的工件,如汽车保险杠、车门等部件的喷涂。

3. 市场价格

  • 市场价格也会根据品牌、型号和配置的不同而有所差异。一般来说,离线喷涂机械臂的价格相对较为灵活,可根据企业实际需求进行定制。



Online tracking spraying robots, airless painting manipulators and offline spraying manipulators are important equipment in the field of modern industrial automation spraying, which play an important role in improving production efficiency, ensuring spraying quality and reducing labor costs. Here's a closer look at all three types of devices:

1. Online tracking of spraying robots

1. Definitions and Characteristics

The online tracking spraying robot is a robot that can track the position of the workpiece in real time and automatically adjust the spraying trajectory.

It is usually equipped with an advanced visual recognition system and control system that can accurately identify the shape and position of the workpiece for high-precision spraying operations.

2. Application scenarios

Online tracking spraying robots are widely used in automobile manufacturing, home appliance manufacturing, aerospace and other fields, especially in complex workpieces that require high-precision spraying.

3. Market price

Market prices vary depending on the brand, model, and configuration. For example, some brands of online tracking spraying robots can cost hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. The specific price also needs to be customized and inquired according to the actual needs.

2. Airless painting manipulator

1. Definitions and Characteristics

Airless painting manipulator is a kind of manipulator that uses airless spraying technology.

Airless spraying technology sprays paint directly onto the surface of the workpiece at high pressure without air assistance, so it has the advantages of high spraying efficiency, good coating quality and high paint utilization.

2. Application scenarios

Airless painting manipulator is suitable for large-area, high-demand spraying operations, such as anti-corrosion coating in shipbuilding, bridge construction and other fields.

3. Market price

Market prices also vary by make, model, and configuration. Generally speaking, the price of airless painting manipulator is relatively reasonable, which can meet the needs of different enterprises.

3. Offline spraying robotic arm

1. Definitions and Characteristics

An off-line spraying robot arm is a robotic arm that performs spraying operations outside the production line.

It is typically used in the pre- or post-treatment phase of the workpiece, and can be sprayed independently, reducing waiting times on the production line.

2. Application scenarios

The off-line spraying robotic arm is suitable for the coating of workpieces that need to be handled separately or with special spraying requirements, such as automotive bumpers, doors and other components.

3. Market price

Market prices will also vary depending on the brand, model, and configuration. Generally speaking, the price of offline spraying robotic arms is relatively flexible and can be customized according to the actual needs of enterprises.

Sum up

The online tracking spraying robot, airless painting manipulator and offline spraying manipulator have their own characteristics, which are suitable for different spraying scenarios and needs. Enterprises should consider comprehensively according to their own actual conditions when choosing, and choose the most suitable spraying equipment for themselves. At the same time, with the continuous progress of technology and the continuous development of the market, the performance of these devices will continue to improve, bringing more convenience and benefits to enterprises.

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电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1