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离线转台喷涂机器人 静电喷漆机械手 喷胶机械臂Offline turntable spraying robot, electrostatic painting
发布时间:2024-08-07 16:26:44 | 浏览次数:




1. 定义与特点

  • 离线转台喷涂机器人是一种在生产线外或特定工作区域内,通过转台带动工件旋转,同时机器人进行喷涂作业的自动化设备。

  • 它结合了离线作业和转台旋转的优点,能够实现对复杂形状工件的全方位喷涂,提高喷涂的均匀性和效率。

2. 应用场景

  • 离线转台喷涂机器人广泛应用于汽车制造、家电制造、航空航天等领域,特别适用于需要高精度喷涂和复杂形状工件的场景。

3. 市场价格

  • 市场价格因品牌、型号、配置和性能等因素而异。根据公开发布的信息,离线转台喷涂机器人的价格可能在10万至数十万不等。具体价格还需根据实际需求进行定制和询价。


1. 定义与特点

  • 静电喷漆机械手是一种利用静电吸附原理进行喷涂的自动化设备。

  • 它通过给涂料施加高压静电,使涂料在喷涂过程中带上电荷,从而被工件表面吸附并附着,实现高效、均匀的喷涂效果。

2. 应用场景

  • 静电喷漆机械手广泛应用于金属、塑料等材质的喷涂作业中,特别适用于对涂层厚度和均匀性要求较高的场景。

3. 技术优势

  • 静电喷漆机械手具有喷涂效率高、涂层质量好、涂料利用率高等优点。同时,它还能够减少环境污染和浪费,符合现代工业绿色发展的要求。


1. 定义与特点

  • 喷胶机械臂是一种专门用于喷胶作业的自动化设备。

  • 它通过机械臂的灵活运动,将胶水精确地喷涂到工件表面或指定位置,实现自动化喷胶作业。

2. 应用场景

  • 喷胶机械臂广泛应用于汽车制造、家电制造、电子制造等领域,特别适用于需要精确控制胶水用量和喷涂位置的场景。

3. 技术特点

  • 喷胶机械臂具有喷涂精度高、操作简便、自动化程度高等优点。同时,它还能够适应不同形状和尺寸的工件,提高生产效率和灵活性。



Offline turntable spraying robots, electrostatic painting manipulators and glue spraying manipulators are important equipment in the field of modern industrial automation spraying, which play an important role in improving production efficiency, ensuring spraying quality and reducing labor costs. Here's a closer look at these devices:

1. Offline turntable spraying robot

1. Definitions and Characteristics

Offline turntable spraying robot is an automatic equipment that drives the workpiece to rotate through the turntable outside the production line or in a specific working area, and the robot carries out spraying operations at the same time.

It combines the advantages of off-line operation and rotary table rotation to achieve all-round coating of complex shapes, improving uniformity and efficiency.

2. Application scenarios

Off-line turntable spraying robots are widely used in automobile manufacturing, home appliance manufacturing, aerospace and other fields, especially for scenarios that require high-precision spraying and complex shape workpieces.

3. Market price

Market prices vary depending on factors such as brand, model, configuration, and performance. According to publicly released information, the price of an offline turntable spraying robot may range from 100,000 to hundreds of thousands. The specific price also needs to be customized and inquired according to the actual needs.

2. Electrostatic painting manipulator

1. Definitions and Characteristics

Electrostatic painting manipulator is an automatic equipment that uses the principle of electrostatic adsorption for spraying.

By applying high-voltage static electricity to the coating, the paint is charged during the spraying process, so that it is adsorbed and adhered to the surface of the workpiece to achieve an efficient and uniform spraying effect.

2. Application scenarios

Electrostatic painting manipulators are widely used in the spraying of metals, plastics and other materials, especially for scenarios with high requirements for coating thickness and uniformity.

3. Technical advantages

The electrostatic painting manipulator has the advantages of high spraying efficiency, good coating quality and high paint utilization. At the same time, it can also reduce environmental pollution and waste, in line with the requirements of modern industrial green development.

3. Glue spraying robotic arm

1. Definitions and Characteristics

The glue spraying robot arm is an automated equipment specially used for glue spraying operations.

Through the flexible movement of the robotic arm, it accurately sprays the glue to the surface of the workpiece or the specified position to achieve automatic glue spraying operation.

2. Application scenarios

Glue spraying robotic arms are widely used in automobile manufacturing, home appliance manufacturing, electronics manufacturing and other fields, especially for scenarios that require precise control of glue dosage and spraying position.

3. Technical features

The glue spraying manipulator has the advantages of high spraying accuracy, easy operation and high degree of automation. At the same time, it can also adapt to different shapes and sizes of workpieces, increasing productivity and flexibility.

Fourth, a comprehensive overview

Offline turntable spraying robots, electrostatic painting manipulators and glue spraying manipulators are all important equipment in the field of modern industrial automation spraying. Each of them has unique technical characteristics and application scenarios to meet the needs of different industries and fields. When choosing these devices, companies should consider comprehensively according to their actual situation and needs, and choose the most suitable equipment type and brand for themselves. At the same time, with the continuous progress of technology and the continuous development of the market, the performance of these devices will continue to improve, bringing more convenience and benefits to enterprises.

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 下一篇:自动喷涂机器人 小型流水线作业 产能提升快 减少人力 非标定制Automatic spraying robot Small assembly line oper




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