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  • 本森智能装备(山东)有限公司
  • 电话:156 8882 9575
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电梯配件跟踪喷涂机器人 门板自动喷粉机械手 喷胶机械臂Elevator accessories tracking spraying robot door pan
发布时间:2024-08-08 08:39:31 | 浏览次数:





  • 高精度:能够精确跟踪电梯配件的形状和尺寸,确保涂料均匀覆盖在需要喷涂的区域。

  • 灵活性:适应不同形状和尺寸的电梯配件,满足多样化的生产需求。

  • 效率高:自动化操作大大提高了生产效率,降低了人工成本。



  • 自动化程度高:实现从送粉、喷涂到回收的全程自动化,减少人工干预。

  • 喷涂效果好:通过精确控制喷枪的移动和粉末的喷涂量,确保门板表面涂层均匀、质量稳定。

  • 环保节能:粉末利用率高,减少了涂料的浪费和环境污染。



  • 精确控制:通过编程和传感器技术,实现对喷胶路径和喷胶量的精确控制。

  • 高效稳定:自动化操作提高了生产效率,同时保证了喷胶质量的稳定性。

  • 适应性强:可根据不同的工件形状和喷胶要求进行调整和编程,满足多样化的生产需求



The following is some detailed information about the elevator parts tracking spraying robot, the automatic powder spraying manipulator for door panels and the glue spraying robotic arm:

1. Elevator accessories tracking spraying robot

Elevator parts tracking spraying robot is an automatic equipment designed for elevator parts spraying, which combines high-precision tracking system and spraying technology to achieve accurate spraying on the surface of elevator parts. Such robots typically have the following characteristics:

High precision: The shape and size of elevator accessories can be accurately tracked, ensuring that the paint is evenly covered in the area that needs to be sprayed.

Flexibility: Adapt to different shapes and sizes of elevator accessories to meet diverse production needs.

High efficiency: automatic operation greatly improves production efficiency and reduces labor costs.

2. Automatic powder spraying manipulator for door panels

The automatic powder spraying manipulator for door panels is an automatic equipment specially used for powder spraying on the surface of door panels. The powder spraying process is usually used for the coating of metal surfaces, which has the advantages of uniform coating, strong adhesion and corrosion resistance. The automatic powder spraying manipulator for the door panel has the following characteristics:

High degree of automation: realize the whole process automation from powder feeding, spraying to recycling, and reduce manual intervention.

Good spraying effect: By precisely controlling the movement of the spray gun and the amount of powder sprayed, the surface coating of the door panel is uniform and the quality is stable.

Environmental protection and energy saving: high powder utilization rate, reducing paint waste and environmental pollution.

3. Glue spraying robotic arm

Glue spraying robotic arm is a kind of mechanical equipment used for automatic glue spraying operations, which is widely used in the production process of automobiles, home appliances, furniture and other industries. The glue spraying robot arm has the following characteristics:

Precise control: Precise control of the dispensing path and dispensing volume is achieved through programming and sensor technology.

Efficient and stable: The automatic operation improves the production efficiency and ensures the stability of the dispensing quality.

Adaptable: It can be adjusted and programmed according to different workpiece shapes and dispensing requirements to meet diverse production needs

Fourth, summary

Elevator accessories tracking spraying robot, door panel automatic powder spraying manipulator and glue spraying robot arm are indispensable automation equipment in modern manufacturing, which provide strong support for the production of elevators, door panels and other industry products through high-precision, high-efficiency and high-quality spraying operations. With the continuous advancement and innovation of technology, these devices will be applied and developed in a wider range of fields.

 上一篇:多轴往复机/电视机边框/喷涂机喷漆机器人 /喷涂机械手Multi-axis reciprocating machine/TV frame/spraying ma
 下一篇:六轴往复机 汽车配件喷涂喷涂机器人 喷漆设备生产厂家Six-axis reciprocating machine, auto parts spraying sp




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