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生活电器喷涂机器人 空调机喷漆机械手 自动喷漆机械臂Spraying robot for household appliances, painting mani
发布时间:2024-08-08 11:41:49 | 浏览次数:





  • 高精度:能够精确控制喷涂轨迹和喷涂量,确保喷涂均匀、无遗漏。

  • 高效率:自动化程度高,能够连续作业,显著提高生产效率。

  • 环保节能:采用先进的喷涂技术和材料,减少涂料浪费和环境污染。



  • 适应性强:能够适应不同型号、规格的空调产品喷涂需求。

  • 稳定性好:在喷涂过程中保持稳定的喷涂速度和喷涂角度,确保喷涂质量。

  • 易于维护:结构设计合理,便于日常维护和保养。



  • 多轴控制:通常具备六轴或以上自由度,能够实现复杂轨迹的喷涂作业。

  • 编程灵活:支持离线编程和在线示教编程,用户可根据实际需求灵活设置喷涂参数。

  • 智能化程度高:集成视觉识别、力觉反馈等先进技术,能够自动调整喷涂姿态和喷涂量,以适应不同工件的喷涂需求



Household appliance spraying robots, air conditioner painting manipulators and automatic painting manipulators are important equipment in modern industrial automation, which play an important role in improving production efficiency, ensuring spraying quality and reducing labor costs. Here's a closer look at these devices:

1. Spraying robot for household appliances

The spraying robot for household appliances is mainly used for surface spraying of household appliances, such as the shell spraying of refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, etc. These robots typically have the following characteristics:

High precision: It can accurately control the spraying trajectory and spraying amount to ensure that the spraying is uniform and there is no omission.

High efficiency: high degree of automation, continuous operation, significantly improve production efficiency.

Environmental protection and energy saving: The use of advanced spraying technology and materials to reduce paint waste and environmental pollution.

2. Painting manipulator for air conditioner

The air conditioner painting manipulator is a spraying equipment specially designed for air conditioning products, and its features include:

Strong adaptability: It can adapt to the spraying needs of different models and specifications of air conditioning products.

Good stability: maintain stable spraying speed and spraying angle during the spraying process to ensure the spraying quality.

Easy to maintain: The structure is reasonably designed, which is convenient for daily maintenance and maintenance.

3. Automatic painting robotic arm

Automatic painting manipulator arm is a kind of automation equipment integrating mechanical, electronic, control, computer and other multidisciplinary technologies, which is widely used in spraying operations in automobiles, home appliances, hardware and other industries. Key features include:

Multi-axis control: It usually has six or more axes of freedom, and can realize spraying operations with complex trajectories.

Flexible programming: Support offline programming and online teaching programming, and users can flexibly set spraying parameters according to actual needs.

High degree of intelligence: integrated visual recognition, force feedback and other advanced technologies, can automatically adjust the spraying attitude and spraying amount to adapt to the spraying needs of different workpieces

Fourth, summary

Household appliance spraying robots, air conditioner painting manipulators and automatic painting manipulators are important equipment in modern industrial automation, which play an important role in improving production efficiency, ensuring spraying quality and reducing labor costs. When selecting these equipment, users should consider factors such as actual needs, equipment performance, and supplier strength.

 上一篇:喷涂机器人 自动化喷漆喷涂机器人 山东全自动喷涂设备方案订制Spraying robot Automatic painting spraying robot S
 下一篇:在线跟踪防爆喷涂机器人 喷粉机械手 自动喷胶机械臂Online tracking of explosion-proof spraying robots, pow




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


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