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空调外壳喷涂机器人 在线跟踪喷漆机械手 防爆喷涂机械臂Air Conditioning Shell Spraying Robot Online Tracking
发布时间:2024-08-08 15:19:10 | 浏览次数:




  • 空调外壳喷涂机器人:专门设计用于喷涂空调外壳的自动化设备,通过编程控制,实现喷涂路径的精确重复,确保每个产品喷涂效果的一致性。

  • 在线跟踪喷漆机械手:具备实时跟踪工件运动轨迹的能力,能够在喷涂过程中自动调整喷枪位置和喷涂参数,以适应工件的动态变化。

  • 防爆喷涂机械臂:特别适用于易燃易爆环境下的喷涂作业,采用防爆设计和材料,确保生产安全。


  1. 精准控制:通过先进的控制系统和传感器,实现对喷涂路径、喷涂速度、喷涂量等参数的精确控制,确保喷涂质量。

  2. 高效作业:机器人和机械手可以连续工作,不受疲劳影响,提高了生产效率。同时,多色喷涂和快速换色功能也满足了不同颜色外壳的喷涂需求。

  3. 环保节能:一些先进的喷涂机器人配备了喷雾回收功能,可以减少材料浪费和环境污染。

  4. 防爆安全:防爆喷涂机械臂在设计和制造过程中严格遵守防爆标准,确保在易燃易爆环境下的安全使用。


  • 空调外壳制造:针对空调外壳的复杂形状和尺寸,喷涂机器人和机械手可以实现全方位、无死角的喷涂作业。

  • 其他金属制品喷涂:这些设备同样适用于其他金属制品的喷涂处理,如汽车零部件、家电外壳等。




  • 设备性能:包括喷涂精度、喷涂速度、喷涂量等参数是否满足生产需求。

  • 品牌与售后服务:选择知名品牌和具有良好售后服务的供应商,以确保设备的质量和稳定运行。

  • 安全性与环保性:关注设备的防爆性能和环保功能,确保生产过程中的安全和环保。



Air conditioning shell spraying robots, online tracking painting manipulators and explosion-proof spraying robots play an important role in the field of automated spraying, especially in the air conditioning shell manufacturing process, their applications greatly improve production efficiency and spraying quality. Here's a closer look at these devices:

1. Equipment overview

Air Conditioning Shell Spraying Robot: Specially designed for spraying air conditioning shell automation equipment, through programming control, to achieve accurate repetition of spraying paths, to ensure the consistency of each product spraying effect.

Online tracking painting manipulator: It has the ability to track the movement trajectory of the workpiece in real time, and can automatically adjust the position of the spray gun and the spraying parameters during the spraying process to adapt to the dynamic changes of the workpiece.

Explosion-proof spraying robotic arm: especially suitable for spraying operations in flammable and explosive environments, using explosion-proof design and materials to ensure production safety.

Second, technical characteristics

Precise control: Through advanced control systems and sensors, accurate control of parameters such as spraying path, spraying speed, and spraying amount can be realized to ensure the quality of spraying.

Efficient operation: Robots and manipulators can work continuously without being affected by fatigue, improving production efficiency. At the same time, multi-color spraying and quick color change functions also meet the needs of spraying shells with different colors.

Environmental protection and energy saving: Some advanced spraying robots are equipped with spray recycling functions, which can reduce material waste and environmental pollution.

Explosion-proof safety: The explosion-proof spraying robotic arm strictly abides by explosion-proof standards in the design and manufacturing process to ensure safe use in flammable and explosive environments.

3. Application scenarios

Air Conditioning Shell Manufacturing: For the complex shape and size of the air conditioning shell, spraying robots and manipulators can achieve all-round spraying operations without dead ends.

Spraying of other metal products: These equipment are also suitable for the spraying of other metal products, such as auto parts, home appliance shells, etc.

Fourth, the price and purchase

In terms of price, the price of air conditioning shell spraying robot, online tracking painting manipulator and explosion-proof spraying robotic arm varies depending on the brand, model, configuration and other factors. In general, the price range of these devices ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. The specific price needs to be consulted with the relevant suppliers according to the actual demand.

When purchasing, it is recommended to consider the following factors:

Equipment performance: including whether the parameters such as spraying accuracy, spraying speed, and spraying volume meet the production requirements.

Brand & After-sales Service: Choose well-known brands and suppliers with good after-sales service to ensure the quality and stable operation of the equipment.

Safety and environmental protection: pay attention to the explosion-proof performance and environmental protection function of the equipment to ensure the safety and environmental protection in the production process.

5. Summary

Air conditioning shell spraying robot, online tracking painting manipulator and explosion-proof spraying manipulator are important equipment in the field of modern automatic spraying, their application improves production efficiency and spraying quality, reduces labor costs, and promotes environmentally friendly production. When purchasing, it is recommended to comprehensively consider factors such as equipment performance, brand and after-sales service, as well as safety and environmental protection.

 上一篇:在线跟踪防爆喷涂机器人 喷粉机械手 自动喷胶机械臂Online tracking of explosion-proof spraying robots, pow
 下一篇:喷涂机器人 三轴伺服涂胶喷涂机器人 山东喷涂机设备Spraying robot Three-axis servo gluing spraying robot S




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1