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悬挂线在线跟踪防爆喷涂机器人 适合各类产品的喷涂Suspension line online tracking explosion-proof spraying
发布时间:2024-08-09 11:01:58 | 浏览次数:




  1. 悬挂线输送系统

    • 悬挂线输送系统能够稳定、连续地输送待喷涂的工件,确保喷涂作业的连续性和高效性。

    • 输送线可根据生产需求进行定制,适应不同形状、尺寸和重量的工件。

  2. 在线跟踪技术

    • 喷涂机器人具备在线跟踪功能,能够实时感知并跟随工件的移动轨迹,确保喷涂的准确性和一致性。

    • 通过先进的传感器和控制系统,机器人能够自动调整喷涂角度、速度和量,以适应工件的动态变化。

  3. 防爆设计

    • 考虑到喷涂作业中可能产生的可燃性气体或粉尘,机器人本体和关键部件采用防爆设计,确保在危险环境下的安全运行。

    • 防爆设计包括防爆电气元件、防爆涂层和防爆结构等,有效防止因电气火花、高温等因素引发的爆炸事故。

  4. 喷涂适应性广

    • 该设备适用于各类产品的喷涂作业,包括家电、汽车、五金、木器等行业的工件。

    • 喷涂材料可选择油性漆、水漆、粉末等多种类型,满足不同产品的喷涂需求。


  1. 提高生产效率

    • 自动化作业减少了人工干预,提高了喷涂速度和效率。

    • 悬挂线输送系统实现了工件的连续输送和喷涂,缩短了生产周期。

  2. 保证喷涂质量

    • 精确的在线跟踪技术和喷涂参数控制,确保了喷涂的均匀性和一致性。

    • 防爆设计保证了喷涂过程中的安全性,避免了因安全事故导致的质量问题。

  3. 降低人工成本

    • 机器人代替人工进行喷涂作业,降低了劳动力成本。

    • 自动化作业减轻了工人的劳动强度,提高了工作环境的舒适度。



  • 家电行业:手机外壳、电视机外壳、冰箱门板等家电产品的喷涂。

  • 汽车行业:汽车车身、保险杠、内饰件等汽车零部件的喷涂。

  • 五金行业:五金工具、厨具、卫浴用品等金属制品的喷涂。

  • 木器家具行业:木板、木门、家具等木制品的喷涂。



The suspension line online tracking explosion-proof spraying robot is a highly automated spraying equipment, which combines the suspension line conveying system, online tracking technology and explosion-proof design, which is very suitable for spraying operations of various products. Here's a detailed breakdown of the device:

First, the characteristics of the equipment

Overhead conveyor system:

The overhead conveyor system can stably and continuously transport the workpiece to be sprayed, ensuring the continuity and efficiency of the spraying operation.

Conveyor lines can be customized to meet production needs and accommodate workpieces of different shapes, sizes, and weights.

Online Tracking Technologies:

The spraying robot has an online tracking function, which can sense and follow the movement trajectory of the workpiece in real time to ensure the accuracy and consistency of spraying.

Through advanced sensors and control systems, the robot is able to automatically adjust the spraying angle, speed and amount to adapt to the dynamic changes of the workpiece.

Explosion-proof design:

Considering the flammable gases or dusts that may be generated during spraying operations, the robot body and key components are designed to be explosion-proof to ensure safe operation in hazardous environments.

The explosion-proof design includes explosion-proof electrical components, explosion-proof coatings and explosion-proof structures, etc., which can effectively prevent explosion accidents caused by electrical sparks, high temperature and other factors.

Wide spraying adaptability:

The equipment is suitable for spraying all kinds of products, including home appliances, automobiles, hardware, wood and other industries.

The spraying materials can be selected from oil-based paint, water paint, powder and other types to meet the spraying needs of different products.

Second, technical advantages

Increased productivity:

Automation reduces manual intervention and increases spraying speed and efficiency.

The overhead conveyor system realizes the continuous conveying and spraying of the workpieces, which shortens the production cycle.

Guaranteed Spraying Quality:

Precise on-line tracking technology and spraying parameter control ensure uniformity and consistency of spraying.

The explosion-proof design ensures the safety of the spraying process and avoids quality problems caused by safety accidents.

Reduced Labor Costs:

Robots replace manual spraying operations, reducing labor costs.

Automated operations reduce the labor intensity of workers and improve the comfort of the working environment.

3. Application scenarios

Suspension line online tracking explosion-proof spraying robot is widely used in the following fields:

Household appliance industry: spraying of mobile phone shells, TV shells, refrigerator door panels and other household appliances.

Automotive industry: spraying of auto parts such as automobile bodies, bumpers, and interior parts.

Hardware industry: spraying of metal products such as hardware tools, kitchenware, and bathroom supplies.

Wood furniture industry: spraying of wood products such as wooden boards, wooden doors, furniture, etc.

IV. Conclusions

With its efficient, safe and flexible characteristics, the suspension line online tracking explosion-proof spraying robot has become an important equipment in the field of modern industrial automation coating. It can not only improve production efficiency and spray quality, but also reduce labor costs and labor intensity. With the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of application fields, the equipment will play a more important role in the future industrial production.

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