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协作码垛机器人 各行纸箱码垛 厂家源头 免编程Collaborative palletizing robot palletizing of cartons in
发布时间:2024-08-10 15:00:49 | 浏览次数:






  1. 适应性广:协作码垛机器人能够兼容各种尺寸和形状的纸箱,通过调整程序或配置不同的夹具,可以轻松应对不同产品的码垛需求。

  2. 效率高:机器人作业速度快,能够连续不断地进行纸箱的搬运和码垛,显著提高生产效率。

  3. 降低成本:通过自动化作业,减少了对人工的依赖,降低了人力成本,并且避免了人为因素导致的错误和安全事故。



  1. 慧德诺:深圳慧德诺科技有限公司是一家专注于自动化设备和机器人研发的企业,其协作码垛机器人在纸箱码垛领域有着广泛的应用。慧德诺的协作码垛机器人支持免编程操作,用户可以通过简单的示教或配置即可完成任务设置,大大降低了使用门槛。

  2. 旺晶科技:东莞市旺晶科技有限公司也是一家提供协作码垛机器人的专业厂家。其产品在纸箱搬运和码垛方面表现出色,能够满足不同行业和场景的需求。旺晶科技也提供定制化服务,可以根据用户的具体需求进行产品设计和调整。



  1. 示教器操作:用户可以通过示教器对机器人进行简单的示教操作,机器人会记录下操作轨迹和动作,并在后续作业中按照这些轨迹和动作进行作业。

  2. 图形化编程:一些协作码垛机器人提供图形化编程界面,用户可以通过拖拽图形块或选择预设功能来创建作业程序,无需编写复杂的代码。

  3. 智能识别与自适应:部分高端协作码垛机器人还具备智能识别和自适应能力,能够自动识别纸箱的尺寸、形状和位置等信息,并根据这些信息自动调整作业策略。


Collaborative palletizing robots are increasingly used in palletizing cartons in all rows, which can not only improve production efficiency, but also reduce labor costs to a large extent. Here are some detailed information and recommendations about collaborative palletizing robots and their use in carton palletizing, as well as the manufacturer's source and programming-free features that offer these products:

1. Overview of collaborative palletizing robots

Collaborative palletizing robot is an automation equipment that integrates mechanical, electronic, control, sensor and other technologies, which can work in tandem with humans or other robots to complete tasks such as grabbing, handling, and palletizing of materials such as cartons. They are usually characterized by high precision, high flexibility, safety and reliability, and are easy to program and operate.

Second, the application of collaborative palletizing robot in carton palletizing

Wide adaptability: The collaborative palletizing robot is compatible with cartons of various sizes and shapes, and can easily cope with the palletizing needs of different products by adjusting the program or configuring different fixtures.

High efficiency: The robot has a fast working speed and can continuously handle and palletize cartons, which significantly improves production efficiency.

Cost reduction: Through automated operations, the dependence on manual labor is reduced, labor costs are reduced, and errors and safety accidents caused by human factors are avoided.

Third, the source of the manufacturer recommendation

There are many professional manufacturers on the market that provide collaborative palletizing robots and related services, and here are some recommendations:

Huidenuo: Shenzhen Huidenuo Technology Co., Ltd. is an enterprise focusing on the research and development of automation equipment and robots, and its collaborative palletizing robots have a wide range of applications in the field of carton palletizing. Wireno's collaborative palletizing robots support program-free operation, and users can complete task settings through simple teaching or configuration, which greatly reduces the barrier to use.

Wangjing Technology: Dongguan Wangjing Technology Co., Ltd. is also a professional manufacturer that provides collaborative palletizing robots. Its products excel in carton handling and palletizing, and are able to meet the needs of different industries and scenarios. Wangjing Technology also provides customized services, which can be designed and adjusted according to the specific needs of users.

Fourth, the program-free feature

Programming-free is one of the highlights of collaborative palletizing robots. Traditional industrial robots usually require professional programmers to perform complex programming work, while collaborative palletizing robots achieve program-free or simplified programming in the following ways:

Teach pendant operation: The user can perform a simple teaching operation on the robot through the teach pendant, and the robot will record the operation trajectory and actions, and follow these tracks and actions in the follow-up operation.

Graphical programming: Some collaborative palletizing robots offer a graphical programming interface where users can create jobs by dragging and dropping blocks or selecting preset functions without having to write complex code.

Intelligent recognition and self-adaptation: Some high-end collaborative palletizing robots also have intelligent recognition and adaptive capabilities, which can automatically identify information such as the size, shape and position of cartons, and automatically adjust operation strategies based on this information.

To sum up, collaborative palletizing robots have a wide range of application prospects and advantages in the field of carton palletizing. By selecting professional manufacturers and suitable product models, combined with the characteristics of free programming and other characteristics, users can easily realize the automatic operation of carton palletizing, improve production efficiency and reduce costs.

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 下一篇:协作码垛机器人 占地面积小 应用于食品行业Collaborative palletizing robots have a small footprint and




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