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协作小型码垛机器人 占地面积小 小负载可挪动 轻型灵活Collaborative small palletizing robot with small foot
发布时间:2024-08-10 15:08:56 | 浏览次数:




  1. 占地面积小:协作小型码垛机器人设计紧凑,占地面积小,非常适合现场尺寸有限或需要灵活部署的场合。例如,遨博协作AUBO小型码垛机器人占地面积仅为1㎡至1.5㎡,能够轻松融入各种生产线环境。

  2. 小负载可挪动:这类机器人通常具备较小的负载能力,但足以应对小件物品的码垛需求。同时,它们具有灵活的移动性,能够轻松搬运和码垛货物。遨博协作AUBO小型码垛机器人的负载范围在5kg至20kg之间,机械手臂长可达1.3m至1.6m,能够满足大多数小负载码垛任务的需求。

  3. 轻型灵活:协作小型码垛机器人采用轻量化设计,整体结构轻巧,易于安装和维护。同时,它们具备高度的灵活性,能够适应各种复杂的码垛场景和需求。




  • 负载范围:5kg至20kg

  • 机械手臂长:1.3m至1.6m

  • 占地面积:1㎡至1.5㎡

  • 夹爪配置:定制,包括真空吸盘、电动夹爪、气缸等

  • 选配功能:升降轴支持堆高至3m至4m

  • 价格范围:根据具体型号和配置不同,价格有所差异,但一般较为亲民,适合中小企业使用



Collaborative small palletizing robots have been widely used in many industries due to their small footprint, small load movability, light and flexible. Here's a detailed analysis of this type of bot:

First, product features

Small footprint: Collaborative small palletizing robots have a compact design and a small footprint, making them ideal for applications with limited site size or where flexible deployment is required. For example, AUBO small palletizing robots cover an area of only 1 square meter to 1.5 square meters, which can be easily integrated into various production line environments.

Small loads can be moved: These robots usually have a small load capacity, but are sufficient for palletizing small items. At the same time, they are flexible and mobile, allowing them to handle and palletize goods with ease. AUBO small palletizing robots range from 5kg to 20kg and the robot arm can be up to 1.3m to 1.6m long, which can meet the needs of most small load palletizing tasks.

Lightweight and flexible: The collaborative small palletizing robot adopts a lightweight design, and the overall structure is lightweight, which is easy to install and maintain. At the same time, they are highly flexible and can adapt to a wide range of complex palletizing scenarios and needs.

2. Application scenarios

Collaborative small palletizing robots have a wide range of applications in many industries, especially in light industries such as food, medicine, and daily chemicals. These industries require high levels of product hygiene and often need to handle small, fragile or sensitive items. Collaborative small palletizing robots can effectively improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and ensure product quality and safety.

3. Examples of specific products

Load range: 5kg to 20kg

Robotic arm length: 1.3m to 1.6m

Floor area: 1㎡ to 1.5㎡

Gripper configuration: customized, including vacuum suction cups, electric grippers, cylinders, etc

Optional function: The lifting shaft supports stacking heights from 3m to 4m

Price range: According to the specific model and configuration, the price varies, but it is generally more affordable and suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises

Fourth, summary

With its small footprint, small load movable, light and flexible, collaborative small palletizing robots have shown strong application potential and market value in many industries. With the continuous development and popularization of automation technology, this type of robot will be more widely used and promoted in the future.

 上一篇:协作码垛机器人 占地面积小 应用于食品行业Collaborative palletizing robots have a small footprint and
 下一篇:全自动化箱子智能码垛 协作机器人 轻型机器人机械臂Fully automated box intelligent palletizing collaborati




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