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智能码垛机 食品印刷行业搬运可升降式高速协作码垛机器人Intelligent palletizer Food printing industry handlin
发布时间:2024-08-10 16:01:48 | 浏览次数:






  1. 高速协作:这类机器人具备高速移动和精准定位的能力,能够在短时间内完成大量物品的码垛,同时与人类工作人员安全协作,共同完成生产任务。

  2. 可升降设计:为了适应不同高度和层数的码垛需求,这类机器人通常配备有可升降的机械臂或平台,能够灵活调整作业高度。

  3. 智能识别:通过内置的视觉系统或传感器,机器人能够自动识别包装箱的尺寸、形状和位置信息,从而规划出最优的码垛方案。

  4. 精准码垛:借助高精度控制系统和机械臂,机器人能够按照预设的码垛方案,将物品准确无误地放置在指定位置,确保码垛的整齐和稳定。

  5. 易于集成:这类机器人通常具备多种通信接口和编程方式,能够轻松集成到现有的生产线中,实现与其他设备的无缝对接。






  • 码垛速度:一般为每分钟可码垛数箱至数十箱不等,具体取决于机器人型号和生产线需求。

  • 码垛层数:根据生产线布局和产品高度要求可设定不同的码垛层数。

  • 有效承重:通常为数十公斤至数百公斤不等,确保机器人能够稳定地搬运和码垛各种重量的物品。

  • 工作半径:机器人机械臂能够到达的最大范围,一般根据生产线布局和产品摆放位置进行设定。

  • 重复精准度:机器人在多次重复操作中的精度指标,通常为毫米级或更高级别



Intelligent palletizers, especially lifting high-speed collaborative palletizing robots designed for the food printing industry, are an important equipment in modern industrial automation production lines. They not only increase production efficiency, but also ensure stability and safety in the production process. The following is a detailed analysis of this type of palletizing robot:

1. Definitions and characteristics


The intelligent palletizer is an automated equipment that integrates robotic arms, sensors, control systems and artificial intelligence technology, which can realize the automatic identification, grabbing, handling and palletizing of packaging boxes, bags and other items. Especially in the food printing industry, the liftable high-speed collaborative palletizing robot can carry out accurate and efficient palletizing operations according to product characteristics and production line requirements.


High-speed collaboration: This type of robot has the ability to move at high speed and precise positioning, and can complete the palletization of a large number of items in a short time, while safely collaborating with human workers to complete production tasks together.

Liftable design: In order to adapt to the palletizing needs of different heights and layers, such robots are usually equipped with liftable robotic arms or platforms that can flexibly adjust the working height.

Intelligent recognition: Through the built-in vision system or sensor, the robot can automatically identify the size, shape and position information of the box, so as to plan the optimal palletizing plan.

Accurate palletizing: With the help of a high-precision control system and a robotic arm, the robot can accurately place the items in the designated position according to the preset palletizing scheme to ensure the neatness and stability of the palletizing.

Easy to integrate: These robots often have a variety of communication interfaces and programming options, and can be easily integrated into existing production lines for seamless integration with other equipment.

Second, the field of application

Food industry:

In the food production line, the intelligent palletizer can be applied to the palletizing operation of various packaging boxes, cans, bags, etc. They enable palletizing tasks to be completed quickly and accurately, increasing productivity and reducing labor costs. At the same time, thanks to their aseptic design and easy-to-clean materials, they also meet the hygienic requirements of the food industry.

Printing industry:

In the printing production line, the intelligent palletizer can be applied to the sorting, sorting and palletizing of printed matter. They are able to automatically recognize the size and shape of the printed material and palletize it according to a predetermined scheme. This helps to improve the uniformity and storage efficiency of printed matter, while reducing the labor intensity of manual handling.

3. Technical parameters and performance

The technical parameters and performance of smart palletizers vary from brand to brand and model, but usually include the following aspects:

Palletizing speed: Generally ranging from a few cases to dozens of cases per minute, depending on the robot model and production line needs.

Number of palletizing layers: Different stacking layers can be set according to the layout of the production line and the height requirements of the product.

Effective load-bearing: Usually ranging from tens of kilograms to hundreds of kilograms, ensuring that the robot can stably handle and palletize items of various weights.

Working radius: the maximum range that the robot arm can reach, which is generally set according to the layout of the production line and the placement of products.

Repeatability: An indicator of the robot's accuracy over multiple repetitive operations, typically in the millimeter range or higher

IV. Conclusions

Intelligent palletizer, especially the lifting high-speed collaborative palletizing robot designed for the food printing industry, is an indispensable and important equipment in the modern industrial automation production line. With their efficient, accurate and intelligent characteristics, they have brought significant economic and social benefits to production enterprises. With the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of application fields, this kind of robot will play an important role in more fields and usher in a broader development prospect.

 上一篇:协作搬运码垛机器人 工业机械手 款式多可定做Collaborative handling and palletizing robots Industrial m
 下一篇:协作机器人 自动搬运工作站 码垛机器手 模拟仿真 快速提供方案Collaborative robots, automatic handling workstat




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