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电动吸盘 直接适配协作机器人 码垛专用Electric suction cups are directly adapted to collaborative r
发布时间:2024-08-10 16:34:41 | 浏览次数:






  1. 直接适配协作机器人:电动吸盘设计有标准的接口或安装方式,能够直接安装在各种协作机器人上,无需复杂的改装或调整。

  2. 高精度:配合协作机器人的高精度控制系统,电动吸盘能够确保物料在搬运和码垛过程中的精确位置和姿态。

  3. 高负载能力:根据具体型号和规格,电动吸盘能够承载不同重量的物料,满足各种码垛需求。

  4. 灵活性强:电动吸盘可以适应不同形状和尺寸的物料,通过调整吸盘的位置和角度,实现灵活多变的搬运和码垛方式。

  5. 安全可靠:内置的安全系统和传感器能够实时监测吸盘的工作状态,确保在搬运和码垛过程中不会发生意外情况。



  • 物流仓储:在仓库中自动搬运和码垛货物,提高仓储效率和准确性。

  • 制造业:在生产线上自动搬运和码垛原材料、半成品和成品,降低工人劳动强度并提高生产效率。

  • 汽车行业:在汽车制造过程中搬运和码垛车身、车门等部件,确保生产线的顺畅运行。





  1. 明确需求:根据实际应用场景和需求选择合适的规格和型号。

  2. 比较产品:对比不同供应商的产品性能、价格和服务等因素,选择性价比高的产品。

  3. 了解售后服务:确保供应商提供完善的售后服务和技术支持,以便在使用过程中遇到问题能够及时解决。

  4. 现场测试:如果条件允许,可以邀请供应商进行现场测试或演示,以验证产品的实际效果和性能。

Here are some details and features about the special tools that the electric suction cups can be adapted directly to the cobot and used for palletizing:

1. Product Overview

The electric suction cup is a device that uses the principle of negative pressure to adsorb objects, which generates negative pressure through the built-in electric vacuum pump or vacuum generator, so that a vacuum state is formed inside the suction cup, and then the material is adsorbed on the surface of the suction cup through the atmospheric pressure difference. This device is usually placed on a cobot, and the robot controls its displacement and movement to accurately handle and palletize goods.

Second, the main features

Direct adaptation to cobots: The motorized suction cups are designed with standard interfaces or mounting methods, which can be directly installed on various cobots without complex modifications or adjustments.

High precision: Together with the cobot's high-precision control system, the electric suction cups can ensure the precise position and posture of the material during handling and palletizing.

High load capacity: Depending on the model and specification, the electric suction cups are able to carry different weights of materials to meet a variety of palletizing needs.

Flexibility: The electric suction cups can adapt to different shapes and sizes of materials, and can be handled and palletized flexibly by adjusting the position and angle of the suction cups.

Safe and reliable: The built-in safety system and sensors can monitor the working status of the suction cups in real time, ensuring that no accidents occur during handling and palletizing.

3. Application scenarios

The electric suction cups are directly adapted to the cobot and used for palletizing, and the special tools are widely used in various occasions that require automated handling and palletizing, such as:

Logistics and warehousing: Automatically handle and palletize goods in the warehouse to improve storage efficiency and accuracy.

Manufacturing: Automatically handle and palletize raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products on the production line, reducing the labor intensity of workers and improving production efficiency.

Automotive: Handling and palletizing parts such as car bodies and doors during the automotive manufacturing process to ensure the smooth operation of production lines.

Fourth, the market situation

There are currently several suppliers on the market that offer special tools for the direct adaptation of electric suction cups to cobots and for palletizing. These products often come in different specifications, performance, and prices, and users can choose according to their specific needs. For example, Beijing Akbert Technology Co., Ltd. provided a VGP20 electric suction cup, which is directly adapted to the collaborative robot and is specially used for tasks such as packaging and palletizing.

5. Purchase suggestions

When purchasing a special tool for the direct adaptation of the electric suction cup to the cobot and for palletizing, it is recommended that the user pay attention to the following points:

Clarify requirements: Select appropriate specifications and models according to actual application scenarios and requirements.

Compare products: Compare product performance, price, and service from different suppliers to choose the most cost-effective product.

Understand after-sales service: Ensure that suppliers provide perfect after-sales service and technical support, so that problems encountered during use can be solved in time.

On-site testing: If conditions permit, suppliers can be invited to conduct on-site tests or demonstrations to verify the actual effect and performance of the product.

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电话:156 8882 9575

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