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现货六轴机器人协作、搬运、码垛、焊接、上下料Spot six-axis robot collaboration, handling, palletizing,
发布时间:2024-08-10 16:54:35 | 浏览次数:




  1. 协作:六轴机器人具备高度的灵活性和精确度,能够与人类或其他机器人协同工作,完成复杂的生产任务。它们可以感知周围环境,避免碰撞,确保生产安全。

  2. 搬运:六轴机器人能够承载并搬运各种物料,包括重物、易碎品等。它们可以精确控制搬运路径和速度,确保物料在搬运过程中不受损坏。

  3. 码垛:在自动化仓库和生产线上,六轴机器人能够高效地完成码垛作业。它们可以根据预设的码垛模式,将物料整齐地堆叠起来,提高仓储效率和空间利用率。

  4. 焊接:部分六轴机器人还具备焊接功能,能够完成精密的焊接作业。它们可以精确控制焊接参数和路径,确保焊接质量稳定可靠。

  5. 上下料:在自动化生产线上,六轴机器人可以自动完成上下料作业,减轻工人的劳动强度,提高生产效率。


Spot six-axis robots have a wide range of applications in many fields such as collaboration, handling, palletizing, welding, loading and unloading. Here's a breakdown of these features and an overview of the price ranges:

1. Function overview

Collaboration: Six-axis robots are highly flexible and accurate, and can work in tandem with humans or other robots to complete complex production tasks. They can perceive their surroundings to avoid collisions and ensure production safety.

Handling: Six-axis robots are capable of carrying and handling a variety of materials, including heavy objects, fragile items, and more. They allow precise control of the handling path and speed, ensuring that the material is not damaged during handling.

Palletizing: In automated warehouses and production lines, six-axis robots can efficiently complete palletizing operations. They can stack materials neatly according to the preset palletizing mode, improving storage efficiency and space utilization.

Welding: Some six-axis robots also have welding functions and can complete precision welding operations. They can precisely control the welding parameters and paths to ensure stable and reliable welding quality.

Loading and unloading: On the automated production line, the six-axis robot can automatically complete the loading and unloading operation, reduce the labor intensity of workers and improve production efficiency.

To sum up, spot six-axis robots have a wide range of applications in many fields such as collaboration, handling, palletizing, welding, loading and unloading, and the price varies depending on the brand, model, function and other factors. When purchasing, it is recommended to choose the right robot product according to actual needs, and pay attention to factors such as brand reputation, cost performance and technical support.

 上一篇:机械臂机器人手工业级六轴协作搬运码垛可模块化编程Robotic arm robot handicraft grade six-axis collaborativ
 下一篇:负载16kg,臂展1223mm,协作机器人,搬运码垛Load 16kg, arm span 1223mm, collaborative robot, handl




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1