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多品种切换可定制称重 扫码 电子围栏 高速协作码垛机器人Multi-variety switching, customizable weighing, code
发布时间:2024-08-11 09:28:02 | 浏览次数:




  1. 多品种切换

    • 该机器人能够灵活适应不同种类、形状和尺寸的物料,实现多品种之间的快速切换。

    • 通过预设的程序和参数,机器人可以自动识别并调整抓取和码垛的方式,以适应不同物料的需求。

  2. 定制称重

    • 配备高精度称重系统,能够准确测量物料的重量,并根据实际需求进行定制化的重量控制。

    • 这对于需要按重量计价的物料(如食品、化工原料等)尤为重要,可以确保产品质量的稳定性和准确性。

  3. 扫码识别

    • 机器人具备扫码识别功能,能够扫描物料上的二维码或条形码,快速读取物料信息。

    • 这有助于实现物料的追踪和管理,提高生产线的透明度和可追溯性。

  4. 电子围栏

    • 设置电子围栏功能,可以确保机器人在指定区域内工作,避免与人员或其他设备发生碰撞。

    • 这不仅提高了作业的安全性,还减少了因误操作导致的设备损坏和停机时间。

  5. 高速协作

    • 该机器人具备高速协作能力,能够与其他自动化设备(如输送线、包装机等)紧密配合,实现生产线的无缝对接。

    • 通过精确的路径规划和高效的算法优化,机器人可以在极短的时间内完成码垛作业,提高生产线的整体效率。





Multi-variety switching customizable weighing, code scanning, electronic fence, high-speed collaborative palletizing robot is an automated robot equipment that integrates a variety of advanced technologies, designed for modern industrial production lines. This robot not only has high-speed and accurate palletizing capabilities, but also has functions such as multi-variety switching, customized weighing, scanning code identification and electronic fence safety protection, which can significantly improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and ensure the safety and stability of operations.

Key Features & Functions:

Multi-variety switching:

The robot can flexibly adapt to different types, shapes and sizes of materials, and realize fast switching between multiple varieties.

Through preset programs and parameters, the robot can automatically identify and adjust the way of picking and palletizing to adapt to the needs of different materials.

Custom Weighing:

Equipped with a high-precision weighing system, it can accurately measure the weight of materials and carry out customized weight control according to actual needs.

This is especially important for materials that need to be priced by weight (e.g., food, chemical raw materials, etc.) to ensure the stability and accuracy of product quality.

Scan code recognition:

The robot has a code scanning recognition function, which can scan the QR code or barcode on the material and quickly read the material information.

This facilitates the traceability and management of materials, increasing the transparency and traceability of the production line.


The electronic fence function can be set up to ensure that the robot works in the designated area and avoids collisions with people or other equipment.

This not only increases the safety of the operation, but also reduces equipment damage and downtime due to misoperation.

High-Speed Collaboration:

The robot has high-speed collaboration capabilities and can work closely with other automation equipment (such as conveyor lines, packaging machines, etc.) to achieve seamless connection of production lines.

Through precise path planning and efficient algorithm optimization, the robot can complete the palletizing operation in a very short time, improving the overall efficiency of the production line.

Application scenarios

This multi-variety switching can be customized weighing, code scanning, electronic fence, high-speed collaborative palletizing robots are widely used in the production lines of food, beverage, chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries. They can automatically complete the handling, weighing, code scanning, palletizing and other operations of materials, reduce labor costs, improve production efficiency, and ensure product quality and safety.


Multi-variety switching customizable weighing, code scanning, electronic fence, and high-speed collaborative palletizing robot is one of the important equipment in the field of modern industrial automation. By integrating a variety of advanced technologies, they realize the automatic handling and management of materials, and improve production efficiency and quality levels. With the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, these robots will be widely used and promoted in more fields.

 上一篇:包装码垛机 协作码垛机器人 纸箱 泡沫箱等升降式作业Packaging palletizers, collaborative palletizing robot
 下一篇:协作机器人工作站 自动码垛机 协作协同机器 人 全自动包装码垛生产线Collaborative Robot Workstation Automatic Pall




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