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协作机器人工作站 自动码垛机 协作协同机器 人 全自动包装码垛生产线Collaborative Robot Workstation Automatic Pall
发布时间:2024-08-11 09:37:19 | 浏览次数:





  • 灵活性:协作机器人工作站可以灵活部署在各种生产环境中,满足不同的生产需求。

  • 安全性:协作机器人设计有敏感的力反馈特性和内置的传感系统,当达到已设定的力时会立即停止,确保人机协作的安全性。

  • 高效性:通过精确的路径规划和高效的算法优化,协作机器人可以快速完成各种作业任务,提高生产效率。




  • 自动抓取:通过精确的机械手或吸盘,自动码垛机可以准确地抓取物料。

  • 精准码垛:根据预设的程序和参数,自动码垛机可以将物料精准地堆叠成垛,确保垛型的稳定性和美观性。

  • 高效作业:自动码垛机可以在极短的时间内完成大量物料的码垛作业,提高生产效率。



  • 人机协作:协作协同机器人可以消除人机协作的障碍,使机器人摆脱护栏或围笼的束缚,与人类共同完成各种任务。

  • 提高生产灵活性:通过与人或其他设备的协同工作,协作协同机器人可以适应更广泛的工作挑战和生产需求。

  • 降低劳动强度:协作协同机器人可以接管简单重复的任务,解放人类去做更有价值的工作,从而降低劳动强度和提高生产效率。



  • 高效性:通过自动化的作业流程,可以显著提高生产效率和产品包装质量。

  • 节省人力:全自动包装码垛生产线可以大量减少人工干预,降低人力成本。

  • 灵活性:可以根据不同的产品和生产需求进行定制和调整,满足多样化的生产需求。


Collaborative robot workstations, automatic palletizers, collaborative robots, and fully automatic packaging and palletizing production lines are important components of modern industrial automation, which significantly improve production efficiency and product quality through efficient and precise automated operations. Here's a closer look at these devices:

Cobot workstations

The cobot workstation is a comprehensive solution that integrates the cobot, peripherals, and control systems. Key features include:

Flexibility: Cobot workstations can be flexibly deployed in a variety of production environments to meet different production needs.

Safety: Cobots are designed with sensitive force feedback characteristics and a built-in sensing system that stops immediately when a set force is reached, ensuring the safety of human-robot collaboration.

Efficiency: Through accurate path planning and efficient algorithm optimization, cobots can quickly complete various tasks and improve production efficiency.

For example, AUBO launched the "Xiaogong" collaborative robot workstation, which provides flexible, safe and low-cost automation solutions for the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises in the traditional machining field. This workstation allows the cobot to work side by side with the operator on the CNC production floor, effectively improving production efficiency and product quality.

Automatic palletizer

An automatic palletizer is a robotic device used to automatically stack materials into stacks. Its key features include:

Automatic gripping: With a precise manipulator or suction cup, the automatic palletizer can accurately grip the material.

Precise palletizing: According to the preset programs and parameters, the automatic palletizer can accurately stack materials into stacks to ensure the stability and aesthetics of the palletizing type.

Efficient operation: The automatic palletizer can complete the palletizing operation of a large number of materials in a very short time, improving production efficiency.

In terms of price, the price of automatic palletizers varies depending on the brand, model, and configuration. For example, on some platforms, the price of a 50KG high-load fully automatic sorting and palletizing robotic arm may range from 1,235 yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

Collaborative collaborative robots

A collaborative bot is a robot that is able to work with a human or other robot. Not only do they have the ability to automate operations, but they are also able to work closely with and interact with humans. Key benefits of cobots include:

Human-robot collaboration: Collaborative robots can remove barriers to human-robot collaboration, freeing robots from guardrails or cages and working with humans to complete a variety of tasks.

Increased production flexibility: By working in tandem with people or other equipment, cobots can adapt to a wider range of job challenges and production needs.

Reduced labor intensity: Collaborative robots can take over simple and repetitive tasks, freeing humans to do more valuable work, thereby reducing labor intensity and improving productivity.

Fully automatic packaging and palletizing production line

Automatic packaging and palletizing production line is an automated production line that integrates packaging, palletizing and other functions. It realizes the whole process of automatic operation from product packaging to palletizing through precise robotic arms, conveyor belts, packaging machines and other equipment.

Efficiency: By automating the work process, the production efficiency and product packaging quality can be significantly improved.

Labor saving: The fully automatic packaging and palletizing production line can greatly reduce manual intervention and reduce labor costs.

Flexibility: It can be customized and adjusted according to different products and production needs to meet diverse production needs.

In summary, collaborative robot workstations, automatic palletizers, collaborative robots, and fully automatic packaging and palletizing production lines are important components in modern industrial automation. Through efficient and precise automation and collaborative work, they bring significant production benefits and cost savings to the enterprise.

 上一篇:多品种切换可定制称重 扫码 电子围栏 高速协作码垛机器人Multi-variety switching, customizable weighing, code
 下一篇:协作机器人 自动码垛 操作简单 场景定制Collaborative robot automatic palletizing Simple operation S




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