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协作机器人 负载5kg 臂长900mm 适用于搬运码垛场景Collaborative robot with a payload of 5kg and an ar
发布时间:2024-08-11 09:56:56 | 浏览次数:




  1. 负载能力

    • 负载5kg的协作机器人能够轻松处理中等重量的物料,如食品箱、小型零部件等,满足搬运码垛的基本需求。

  2. 臂长

    • 900mm的臂长使得协作机器人在搬运过程中具有较大的工作范围,能够覆盖更多的码垛区域,提高作业效率。

  3. 精度与稳定性

    • 协作机器人通常配备高精度的传感器和控制系统,能够确保在搬运和码垛过程中的精确性和稳定性,减少物料损坏和误差。


  1. 搬运码垛

    • 协作机器人在搬运码垛场景中能够自动完成物料的抓取、搬运和堆叠,降低人工劳动强度,提高生产效率。

    • 它们可以与其他自动化设备(如输送带、包装机等)配合使用,形成完整的自动化生产线,实现生产过程的连续性和高效性。

  2. 灵活性与适应性

    • 协作机器人具有灵活的关节和可编程的控制系统,能够根据不同的物料特性和工作环境自动调整工作方式和路径,适应多样化的生产需求。

    • 在搬运码垛过程中,协作机器人可以轻松地处理不同形状、尺寸和重量的物料,确保码垛的准确性和稳定性。

  3. 安全性

    • 协作机器人内置敏感的安全机制,如扭矩传感器、碰撞检测功能等,能够在遇到障碍物或人员时立即停止运行,确保人员和设备的安全。

    • 这种安全性特点使得协作机器人在与人工共同工作的环境中具有更高的可靠性和安全性。



Cobots, especially those with a load of 5 kg and an arm length of 900 mm, have significant advantages in handling and palletizing scenarios. The following is a detailed analysis of the applicability of this type of cobot in handling and palletizing scenarios:

1. Technical specifications and performance

Load Capacity:

The cobot with a load capacity of 5 kg can easily handle medium-heavy materials, such as food boxes, small parts, etc., and meet the basic needs of handling palletizing.

Arm Length:

The arm length of 900mm makes the cobot have a large working range during the handling process, which can cover more palletizing areas and improve operation efficiency.

Accuracy & Stability:

Cobots are usually equipped with high-precision sensors and control systems to ensure accuracy and stability during handling and palletizing, reducing material damage and errors.

2. Application scenarios and advantages

Handling and palletizing:

In the handling and palletizing scenario, the collaborative robot can automatically complete the grabbing, handling and stacking of materials, reducing the labor intensity and improving production efficiency.

They can be used in conjunction with other automation equipment (such as conveyor belts, packaging machines, etc.) to form a complete automated production line to achieve continuity and efficiency in the production process.

Flexibility & Adaptability:

The cobot has flexible joints and programmable control systems, which can automatically adjust the working mode and path according to different material characteristics and working environments to adapt to diverse production needs.

During the handling and palletizing process, the cobot can easily handle materials of different shapes, sizes and weights, ensuring the accuracy and stability of palletizing.


Cobots have built-in sensitive safety mechanisms, such as torque sensors, collision detection functions, etc., which can immediately stop operation when encountering obstacles or people, ensuring the safety of personnel and equipment.

This safety feature makes cobots more reliable and safe in environments where they work with humans.

3. Summary

In summary, the cobot with a load of 5kg and an arm length of 900mm has significant application advantages in handling and palletizing scenarios. They can efficiently and stably complete the handling and palletizing of materials, reduce manual labor intensity and improve production efficiency. At the same time, these robots are flexible and safe, able to adapt to diverse production needs and ensure the safety of people and equipment. Therefore, when choosing automated production equipment, this type of collaborative robot can be prioritized to meet the needs of scenarios such as handling and palletizing.

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