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日用品纸箱协作码垛机器人全自动流水线码垛机厂家可负载30KGThe daily necessities carton collaborative palleti
发布时间:2024-08-11 10:27:37 | 浏览次数:




  1. 负载能力:可负载30KG,适用于多种重量的纸箱码垛需求。

  2. 自动化程度高:全自动流水线作业,减少人工干预,提高生产效率。

  3. 适用范围广:不仅限于日用品纸箱,还可应用于其他行业的物料码垛。

  4. 可编程操作:可根据实际需求进行编程,灵活应对不同的码垛要求。

  5. 稳定性高:结构设计精至,零配件少,故障率低,确保生产线的稳定运行。



Regarding the manufacturer information of the automatic assembly line palletizer of the daily necessities carton collaborative palletizing robot, which can load 30KG, the following is based on the currently available information:

First, product features

Load capacity: 30KG can be loaded, suitable for carton palletizing needs of various weights.

High degree of automation: fully automatic assembly line operation, reduce manual intervention, improve production efficiency.

Wide range of application: not only limited to daily necessities cartons, but also can be applied to material palletizing in other industries.

Programmable operation: It can be programmed according to actual needs and flexibly respond to different palletizing requirements.

High stability: the structural design is precise, the spare parts are few, and the failure rate is low to ensure the stable operation of the production line.

2. Summary

Dongguan Wangjing Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the reliable manufacturers that provide automatic assembly line palletizers (with a load of 30KG) for daily necessities carton collaborative palletizing robots. Its products have the characteristics of high degree of automation, strong load capacity, wide range of application, etc., which can meet the palletizing needs of different industries. At the same time, there are many other excellent palletizer manufacturers on the market to choose from, and it is recommended to make a comprehensive comparison and selection according to specific needs.

 上一篇:装卸取放物料 协作码垛机器人 强大仿真功能Loading, unloading, pick-and-place materials Collaborative
 下一篇:工业搬运机器人 工业协作码垛机 新款轻便堆垛机源头厂家Industrial Handling Robot Industrial Collaborative Pa




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1