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托盘式纸箱自动化智能搬运工业协作码垛机器人堆垛6轴机械臂厂家Pallet carton automatic intelligent handling indus
发布时间:2024-08-11 11:07:27 | 浏览次数:






  1. 高精度与灵活性

    • 6轴机械臂的六个关节分别由六个电机驱动,具备高度的灵活性和精确度,能够准确地将纸箱搬运到指定位置并进行堆叠。

    • 高质量的谐波减速机确保机械臂在运行过程中不断重复定位,保证精度。

  2. 自动化程度高

    • 该设备能够自动接收指令、规划路径、执行搬运和码垛任务,无需人工干预,大大提高了生产效率和产品质量。

  3. 协作能力强

    • 作为工业协作机器人,它能够与人类操作员在同一空间内安全地协同工作,提高了生产线的灵活性和安全性。

  4. 适用范围广

    • 适用于食品、医药、日化、电器等多个行业的纸箱码垛任务,能够处理不同尺寸、重量和材质的纸箱。

  5. 结构紧凑

    • 6轴机械臂的结构紧凑,占地面积小,能够在有限的空间内高效运作。

  6. 易于编程与维护

    • 配备用户友好的编程界面和丰富的软件库,使得编程和集成变得更加简单快捷。同时,设备维护也相对容易,降低了企业的运营成本。



  • 负载能力:根据具体型号和设计,负载能力通常在几十公斤到几百公斤之间。

  • 工作半径:通常在1.5米到3米之间,具体取决于机械臂的型号和配置。

  • 重复定位精度:高精度机器人通常能够达到±0.05mm或更小的重复定位精度。

  • 升降范围:根据需求可定制,满足不同高度和层数的码垛需求。

  • 电源与气源:通常需要接入标准电源和气源以驱动机器人的运动和控制系统。

  • 工作效率:可达到每分钟搬运和码垛多个纸箱,具体效率取决于生产线的配置和机器人的性能。



  1. 生产线后端码垛:在生产线后端,该设备可以替代传统的人工码垛方式,实现自动化码垛,提高生产效率和降低人力成本。

  2. 仓库管理:在仓库管理中,该设备可以实现货物的快速、准确码垛和存储,提高仓库管理效率。

  3. 物流行业:在物流行业中,该设备可以用于快递、物流等场所货物的搬运和码垛,提高物流效率。






  1. 高精度与灵活性

    • 6轴机械臂的六个关节分别由六个电机驱动,具备高度的灵活性和精确度,能够准确地将纸箱搬运到指定位置并进行堆叠。

    • 高质量的谐波减速机确保机械臂在运行过程中不断重复定位,保证精度。

  2. 自动化程度高

    • 该设备能够自动接收指令、规划路径、执行搬运和码垛任务,无需人工干预,大大提高了生产效率和产品质量。

  3. 协作能力强

    • 作为工业协作机器人,它能够与人类操作员在同一空间内安全地协同工作,提高了生产线的灵活性和安全性。

  4. 适用范围广

    • 适用于食品、医药、日化、电器等多个行业的纸箱码垛任务,能够处理不同尺寸、重量和材质的纸箱。

  5. 结构紧凑

    • 6轴机械臂的结构紧凑,占地面积小,能够在有限的空间内高效运作。

  6. 易于编程与维护

    • 配备用户友好的编程界面和丰富的软件库,使得编程和集成变得更加简单快捷。同时,设备维护也相对容易,降低了企业的运营成本。



  • 负载能力:根据具体型号和设计,负载能力通常在几十公斤到几百公斤之间。

  • 工作半径:通常在1.5米到3米之间,具体取决于机械臂的型号和配置。

  • 重复定位精度:高精度机器人通常能够达到±0.05mm或更小的重复定位精度。

  • 升降范围:根据需求可定制,满足不同高度和层数的码垛需求。

  • 电源与气源:通常需要接入标准电源和气源以驱动机器人的运动和控制系统。

  • 工作效率:可达到每分钟搬运和码垛多个纸箱,具体效率取决于生产线的配置和机器人的性能。



  1. 生产线后端码垛:在生产线后端,该设备可以替代传统的人工码垛方式,实现自动化码垛,提高生产效率和降低人力成本。

  2. 仓库管理:在仓库管理中,该设备可以实现货物的快速、准确码垛和存储,提高仓库管理效率。

  3. 物流行业:在物流行业中,该设备可以用于快递、物流等场所货物的搬运和码垛,提高物流效率。


Pallet carton automation intelligent handling industrial collaborative palletizing robot stacking 6-axis robotic arm is a highly automated industrial equipment, which is widely used in food, medicine, daily chemical, electrical appliances and other industries. Here's a detailed breakdown of the device:

1. Product Overview

The pallet carton automation intelligent handling industrial collaborative palletizing robot stacking 6-axis robotic arm combines intelligent control, machine vision and precision mechanical technology to automatically complete the handling, stacking and palletizing of cartons. With a 6-axis design and six degrees of freedom, it enables complex mechanical movements to meet the palletizing needs of cartons of all shapes and sizes.

Second, product features

High precision and flexibility:

Each of the six joints of the 6-axis robotic arm is driven by six motors, providing a high degree of flexibility and precision to accurately handle cartons to the specified position and stack them.

The high-quality harmonic reducer ensures that the robotic arm is constantly and repeatedly positioned during operation to ensure accuracy.

High degree of automation:

The equipment is able to automatically receive instructions, plan routes, and perform handling and palletizing tasks without manual intervention, greatly improving production efficiency and product quality.

Strong Collaboration Skills:

As an industrial cobot, it is able to work safely with human operators in the same space, increasing the flexibility and safety of the production line.

Wide range of applications:

It is suitable for carton palletizing tasks in many industries such as food, medicine, daily chemicals, electrical appliances, etc., and can handle cartons of different sizes, weights and materials.


The 6-axis robotic arm is compact and has a small footprint, allowing it to operate efficiently in a limited space.

Easy to program and maintain:

Equipped with a user-friendly programming interface and a rich software library, programming and integration are made easier and faster. At the same time, equipment maintenance is relatively easy, reducing the operating costs of the enterprise.

3. Technical parameters (take a brand as an example)

Please note that the following technical specifications may vary depending on the brand, model and supplier, and the following are examples only:

Load capacity: Depending on the model and design, the load capacity is usually between tens of kilograms and hundreds of kilograms.

Working radius: usually between 1.5 meters and 3 meters, depending on the model and configuration of the robotic arm.

Repeatability: High-precision robots are typically able to achieve repeatability of ±0.05mm or less.

Lifting range: can be customized according to needs to meet the needs of different heights and layers.

Power and air supply: Standard power and air sources are often required to drive the robot's motion and control systems.

Productivity: Multiple cartons can be handled and palletized per minute, depending on the configuration of the production line and the performance of the robot.

Fourth, application scenarios

Pallet carton automation intelligent handling industrial collaborative palletizing robot stacking 6-axis robotic arm is widely used in the following scenarios:

Palletizing at the back end of the production line: At the back end of the production line, the equipment can replace the traditional manual palletizing method to achieve automatic palletizing, improve production efficiency and reduce labor costs.

Warehouse management: In warehouse management, the equipment can realize the rapid and accurate palletizing and storage of goods, and improve the efficiency of warehouse management.

Logistics industry: In the logistics industry, the equipment can be used for the handling and palletizing of goods in express delivery, logistics and other places to improve logistics efficiency.

 上一篇:食品医药日化电器 升降范围较大 全新原装 协作码垛机器人Food, medicine, and daily chemical appliances have a
 下一篇:搬运码垛机 全自动协作机器人 纸箱移载机 源头工厂供应Handling and palletizing machine Fully automatic coll




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