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机器人码垛自动化 协作机械手搬运码垛搬运上下料机械手臂Robot palletizing automation Collaborative manipulato
发布时间:2024-08-11 11:19:08 | 浏览次数:






  • 高精度:机器人码垛系统能够精确控制每个动作,确保物料堆叠的准确性和稳定性。

  • 高效率:机器人可以连续不间断地工作,且速度可调,大大提高了码垛效率。

  • 灵活性:通过编程和更换末端执行器,机器人可以适应不同形状、尺寸和重量的物料码垛需求。

  • 智能化:现代码垛机器人通常配备有传感器和视觉系统,能够实现自动识别和定位,进一步提升自动化水平。


  • 食品饮料行业:用于纸箱、瓶罐等包装物的码垛。

  • 化工行业:用于袋装化肥、饲料等物料的码垛。

  • 物流仓储行业:用于货物的自动分拣和码垛。




  • 安全性:协作机械手具备力反馈和避障功能,能够在检测到人类或其他障碍物时立即停止或调整动作。

  • 灵活性:由于设计紧凑且易于编程,协作机械手可以适应多种工作环境和任务需求。

  • 易用性:用户无需具备深厚的机器人技术背景即可轻松操作和维护协作机械手。


  • 装配线:用于零部件的抓取、搬运和组装。

  • 包装线:与机器人码垛系统配合,实现物料的自动包装和码垛。

  • 实验室和研发部门:用于样品测试、数据收集等精细操作。




  • 四轴码垛机械臂:适用于空间受限或需要灵活操作的环境,如小型包装物的码垛。

  • 六轴码垛机械臂:具有更高的灵活性和精度,适用于复杂形状和尺寸物料的搬运和码垛。

  • 协作式搬运机械臂:强调与人类的安全协作,适用于需要人机互动的工作环境。


Robotic palletizing automation and collaborative manipulators play an important role in industrial applications such as handling, palletizing, and loading and unloading. Here's a closer look at these technologies and devices:

1. Robot palletizing automation

Robot palletizing automation refers to the process of using industrial robots and their supporting equipment to realize the automatic grabbing, handling, stacking and palletizing of materials (such as cartons, bags, etc.). This technology can significantly improve production efficiency, reduce labor intensity, reduce labor costs, and increase the flexibility and intelligence of the production line.

Key features:

High precision: The robot palletizing system can precisely control each action to ensure the accuracy and stability of material stacking.

High efficiency: The robot can work continuously and uninterrupted, and the speed is adjustable, which greatly improves the palletizing efficiency.

Flexibility: By programming and changing end-effectors, the robot can adapt to the palletizing needs of materials of different shapes, sizes, and weights.

Intelligent: Modern palletizing robots are often equipped with sensors and vision systems that can achieve automatic identification and positioning, further improving the level of automation.


Food and beverage industry: used for palletizing cartons, bottles and cans and other packaging materials.

Chemical industry: used for palletizing bagged fertilizers, feed and other materials.

Logistics and warehousing industry: for automatic sorting and palletizing of goods.

2. Collaborative manipulator

A collaborative manipulator is a robot that can work safely and efficiently together in the same space as a human. They typically have lower power and speed, as well as advanced sensors and obstacle avoidance technology to ensure safety when interacting with people.

Key features:

Safety: The collaborative robotic arm has force feedback and obstacle avoidance functions, and can immediately stop or adjust its motion when it detects a human or other obstacle.

Flexibility: Thanks to its compact design and easy programming, the collaborative robot can be adapted to a wide range of working environments and task requirements.

Ease of use: Users can easily operate and maintain collaborative robots without a strong robotics background.

Application Scenarios:

Assembly line: used for the grabbing, handling and assembly of parts.

Packaging line: cooperate with the robot palletizing system to realize the automatic packaging and palletizing of materials.

Laboratory and R&D department: for delicate operations such as sample testing, data collection, etc.

3. Handling and palletizing loading and unloading mechanical arm

Handling and palletizing, handling loading and unloading robotic arm is a specific application form of robotic palletizing automation and collaborative manipulator technology. They are installed on different types of robots to realize automatic material handling, palletizing, and loading and unloading operations.

Main types:

Four-axis palletizing robotic arm: suitable for environments where space is limited or where flexible operation is required, such as palletizing small packages.

Six-axis palletizing robotic arm: with higher flexibility and precision, it is suitable for handling and palletizing materials of complex shapes and sizes.

Collaborative Handling Robotic Arm: Emphasizes safe collaboration with humans and is suitable for work environments that require human-machine interaction.

 上一篇:工业机械手臂码垛机器人协作机器人自动化机械臂Industrial robotic arms, palletizing robots, collaborative
 下一篇:协作码垛机器人 高负载 高效智能解放劳动力Collaborative palletizing robot with high load, efficient a




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版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1