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六轴轻型 自动码垛 自动上下料 智能制造 协作机器人 5/10/20/30kgSix-axis light automatic palletizing Auto
发布时间:2024-08-11 14:31:05 | 浏览次数:




  1. 六轴设计:六轴设计使得机器人具有更高的灵活性和自由度,能够完成复杂的空间轨迹和姿态调整,适应不同形状和尺寸的物料码垛和上下料需求。

  2. 轻型结构:采用轻量化材料和紧凑的机械设计,使得机器人整体重量较轻,便于安装和移动,同时减少了能耗和占地面积。

  3. 自动码垛:机器人能够自动识别物料位置、抓取物料并准确码放到指定位置,实现自动化码垛作业,提高码垛效率和准确性。

  4. 自动上下料:除了码垛功能外,这类机器人还能实现自动上下料作业,与生产线上的其他设备无缝对接,形成完整的自动化生产流程。

  5. 智能制造:结合先进的传感器、控制系统和人工智能技术,机器人能够实现智能化作业,根据生产需求进行灵活调整和优化。

  6. 协作能力:作为协作机器人,它们能够在人类工作环境中安全地与人类一起工作,提高生产线的灵活性和安全性。






Six-axis lightweight automatic palletizing, automatic loading and unloading, and intelligent manufacturing collaborative robots can be divided into different models such as 5kg, 10kg, 20kg and 30kg according to their load capacity. These robots are widely used in industrial automation to significantly improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and optimize production processes. Here's a closer look at this type of bot:

First, product features

Six-axis design: The six-axis design allows the robot to have higher flexibility and freedom, and can complete complex spatial trajectory and attitude adjustment, and adapt to the needs of material palletizing and loading and unloading of different shapes and sizes.

Lightweight construction: Lightweight materials and compact mechanical design make the robot lighter overall, making it easy to install and move, while reducing energy consumption and floor space.

Automatic palletizing: The robot can automatically identify the position of the material, grab the material and accurately put it at the designated position, realize the automatic palletizing operation, and improve the efficiency and accuracy of palletizing.

Automatic loading and unloading: In addition to the palletizing function, this type of robot can also realize automatic loading and unloading operations, and seamlessly connect with other equipment on the production line to form a complete automated production process.

Smart manufacturing: Combined with advanced sensors, control systems, and artificial intelligence technologies, robots can work intelligently and flexibly adjust and optimize according to production needs.

Collaboration: As cobots, they are able to safely work with humans in a human work environment, increasing the flexibility and safety of production lines.

2. Technical parameters (take a brand as an example)

Model Maximum Load Repeatability Working Radius Degrees of Freedom Power

R-SV05 5kg ±0.02mm 850mm 6 100W

R-SV10 10kg ±0.035mm 1300mm 6 300W

R-SV20 20kg ±0.04mm 1650mm 6 800W

R-SV30 30kg - 1800mm 6 1500W

3. Application scenarios

This kind of robot is widely used in the automated production line of food, beverage, chemical, pharmaceutical, logistics and other industries, and is used to complete the palletizing, loading and unloading, handling and other operations of materials. They can significantly increase productivity, reduce labor costs, and reduce the risk of human error and accidents.

To sum up, six-axis lightweight automatic palletizing, automatic loading and unloading, and intelligent manufacturing collaborative robots are one of the important equipment in the field of modern industrial automation, which has a wide range of application prospects and market demand. When purchasing, you should consider many factors comprehensively and choose the most suitable product for your own production line.

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