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25kg全自动协作码垛机器人工作站厂家直供25kg automatic collaborative palletizing robot workstation
发布时间:2024-08-11 14:37:11 | 浏览次数:




  1. 高负载能力:能够稳定地搬运和码垛重达25kg的包装箱或物料,满足多种行业的生产需求。

  2. 全自动操作:从物料识别、抓取、搬运到码垛,整个流程无需人工干预,实现高度自动化。

  3. 协作性:作为协作机器人,它们能够在人类工作环境中安全地与人类一起工作,提高生产线的灵活性和安全性。

  4. 智能化:结合先进的传感器、控制系统和人工智能技术,机器人能够实现智能化作业,根据生产需求进行灵活调整和优化。



Regarding the 25kg automatic collaborative palletizing robot workstation, many manufacturers provide direct supply services, these robot workstations are mainly used to improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and play an important role in automated production lines. Here's a detailed analysis of this type of robotic workstation:

First, product features

High load capacity: It can stably handle and palletize boxes or materials weighing up to 25kg, which can meet the production needs of a variety of industries.

Fully automated operation: From material identification, grabbing, handling to palletizing, the entire process is highly automated without human intervention.

Collaboration: As cobots, they are able to safely work with humans in a human work environment, increasing the flexibility and safety of the production line.

Intelligent: Combined with advanced sensors, control systems and artificial intelligence technology, robots can achieve intelligent operations, flexibly adjust and optimize according to production needs.

2. Application scenarios

The 25kg automatic collaborative palletizing robot workstation is widely used in the assembly line palletizing of packaging boxes in food, beverage, daily chemical, home appliances, chemical and other industries. For example, in the food industry, they can be used for palletizing boxes such as biscuits, candies, instant noodles, etc.; In the beverage industry, it can be used for palletizing beverage bottles or cans such as beer, juice and mineral water.

 上一篇:协作码垛机器人食品日化饮料家用电器包装箱子流水线码垛机器Collaborative palletizing robots, food, daily chemic
 下一篇:家电搬运协作机器人 家电码垛行业 按需定制Household appliance handling collaborative robot home appli




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1