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水果纸箱智能搬运工业协作码垛机器人新堆垛机6轴机械手厂家Fruit carton intelligent handling industrial collabo
发布时间:2024-08-11 14:52:03 | 浏览次数:




  1. 本森智能装备(山东)有限公司

    • 位置:山东省泰安市肥城市高新区泰临路311号

    • 产品:该公司提供饮品水果纸箱智能搬运工业协作码垛机器人新堆垛机6轴机械手等产品。

    • 特点:可能具备高精度、高效率、智能化等特点,适应于水果纸箱的搬运和码垛作业。

    • 价格:根据产品信息,价格可能在20000元起,但具体价格可能因产品规格、数量及活动等因素有所变动。

  2. 智能化:此类机器人通常配备先进的传感器和控制系统,能够实现自动识别、定位和抓取水果纸箱,提高搬运和码垛的准确性和效率。

  3. 高精度:6轴机械手的设计使得机器人在作业过程中具有更高的灵活性和精确度,能够适应不同形状和尺寸的纸箱。

  4. 自动化程度高:能够实现从纸箱的搬运、码垛到堆垛的全自动化作业,减少人工干预,提高生产效率。


  1. 明确需求:在购买前,应明确自己的生产需求,包括纸箱的尺寸、重量、搬运距离、码垛方式等,以便选择适合的产品。

  2. 对比产品:在多个厂家之间进行对比,了解产品的性能、价格、售后服务等方面的信息,选择性价比高的产品。

  3. 实地考察:如果条件允许,可以实地考察厂家的生产能力和产品质量,以便更准确地了解产品的实际情况。

  4. 售后服务:考虑厂家的售后服务体系是否完善,以便在使用过程中能够得到及时的技术支持和维护服务。


Regarding the manufacturers of the 6-axis manipulator of the new stacker crane of the fruit carton intelligent handling industrial collaborative palletizing robot, there are many manufacturers on the market that provide such products, but the specific choice needs to consider factors such as product quality, performance, price and after-sales service. Here's a summary of some relevant information:

First, the manufacturer recommends

Benson Intelligent Equipment (Shandong) Co., Ltd

Location: No. 311, Tailin Road, Feicheng High-tech Zone, Tai'an City, Shandong Province

Products: The Company provides products such as intelligent handling of beverages, fruit cartons, industrial collaborative palletizing robots, new stackers, 6-axis manipulators and so on.

Features: It may have the characteristics of high precision, high efficiency and intelligence, and is suitable for the handling and palletizing of fruit cartons.

Price: According to the product information, the price may start at 20,000 yuan, but the specific price may change due to factors such as product specifications, quantity and activities.

Intelligent: These robots are usually equipped with advanced sensors and control systems that can automatically identify, locate and grasp fruit cartons, improving the accuracy and efficiency of handling and palletizing.

High precision: The design of the 6-axis manipulator allows the robot to have greater flexibility and precision in the operation process, and can adapt to different shapes and sizes of cartons.

High degree of automation: It can realize the fully automated operation from carton handling, palletizing to stacking, reducing manual intervention and improving production efficiency.

3. Purchase suggestions

Clear needs: Before purchasing, you should clarify your own production needs, including the size, weight, handling distance, palletizing method, etc., so as to choose the right product.

Compare products: Compare between multiple manufacturers, understand the performance, price, after-sales service and other aspects of the product, and choose cost-effective products.

On-site inspection: If conditions permit, you can inspect the manufacturer's production capacity and product quality on the spot in order to more accurately understand the actual situation of the product.

After-sales service: consider whether the manufacturer's after-sales service system is perfect, so that you can get timely technical support and maintenance services during use.

In short, there are many manufacturers in the market of the 6-axis manipulator of the new stacker crane for the intelligent handling of fruit cartons intelligent handling industry, and they should be selected according to their actual needs and budget when purchasing.

 上一篇:协作码垛机械臂 轻巧占地小 机器人码垛生产线Collaborative palletizing robotic arm Lightweight and smal
 下一篇:上下料搬运 精密度高 移动协作码垛机器人Loading and unloading handling High precision Mobile collabo




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