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协作机器人 负载3kg 臂长620mm 适用于搬运码垛场景Collaborative robot payload 3kg Arm length 620mm is
发布时间:2024-08-11 15:02:29 | 浏览次数:








  1. 精确搬运:协作机器人通过其高精度的传感器和控制系统,能够准确识别物料的位置和姿态,实现精确搬运。在码垛过程中,这有助于减少物料间的碰撞和损坏,提高码垛质量。

  2. 灵活码垛:由于臂长适中且灵活,这款协作机器人能够根据不同的码垛模式和要求进行调整。无论是层叠式码垛、交错式码垛还是其他复杂的码垛方式,机器人都能快速适应并完成任务。

  3. 人机协作:协作机器人的最大特点之一是其安全性。这款3kg负载、620mm臂长的机器人可以在有人员在场的情况下进行作业,实现人机协同工作。这不仅可以提高生产效率,还能在必要时进行人工干预和调整。

  4. 智能化管理:现代协作机器人通常配备有智能化的管理系统,能够实时监测机器人的运行状态和作业效率。通过数据分析和管理优化,可以进一步提高生产线的整体性能和稳定性。



A collaborative robot with a load capacity of 3 kg and an arm length of 620 mm, which has high applicability in handling and palletizing scenarios. Here's a detailed analysis of the robot in this application scenario:

Load capacity

The load capacity of 3 kg is not particularly high, but it is sufficient for many small and medium-sized material handling and palletizing tasks. For example, in industries such as food, beverage, cosmetics, and small parts, such robots can easily handle the handling and palletizing of cartons, bottles, cans, bags, and other items.

Arm length advantage

The arm length of 620 mm means that the cobot has a lot of flexibility in terms of working space. It can penetrate deep into the tighter production lines or storage areas for precise material picking and placement. This flexibility is essential to improve the space utilization and operational efficiency of the production line.

Application in handling and palletizing scenarios

Precise handling: Through its high-precision sensors and control systems, cobots can accurately identify the position and posture of materials to achieve precise handling. During the palletizing process, this helps to reduce collisions and damage between materials and improve palletizing quality.

Flexible palletizing: Thanks to its moderate arm length and flexibility, the cobot can be adapted to different palletizing patterns and requirements. Whether it's stacked palletizing, staggered palletizing, or other complex palletizing methods, robots can quickly adapt and complete the task.

Human-robot collaboration: One of the biggest features of cobots is their safety. This 3kg payload and 620mm arm length robot can work in the presence of personnel, realizing human-machine collaboration. This not only increases productivity, but also allows for manual intervention and adjustments when necessary.

Intelligent management: Modern collaborative robots are usually equipped with an intelligent management system, which can monitor the operation status and operation efficiency of the robot in real time. Through data analysis and management optimization, the overall performance and stability of the production line can be further improved.


To sum up, a collaborative robot with a load of 3kg and an arm length of 620mm has high applicability in handling and palletizing scenarios. It can accurately handle materials, flexibly adjust palletizing methods, realize human-machine collaboration, and improve production efficiency and stability through intelligent management. For businesses that need to increase their automation and productivity, this cobot is undoubtedly an option worth considering.

 上一篇:协作机器人 自动码垛 误差小 按需选型Collaborative robot automatic palletizing, small error, on-de
 下一篇:移动协作码垛机器人 装卸取放物料 保质保量Mobile collaborative palletizing robot loading, unloading,




电话:156 8882 9575

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