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移动协作码垛机器人 装卸取放物料 保质保量Mobile collaborative palletizing robot loading, unloading,
发布时间:2024-08-11 15:05:24 | 浏览次数:




  1. 高精度:移动协作码垛机器人通常配备高精度的传感器和控制系统,能够实现精确的路径规划和位置控制,确保在装卸取放物料过程中达到较高的精度要求。

  2. 灵活性:这类机器人不仅能够在二维空间内自由移动,还能通过多关节的灵活转动实现三维空间内的精确操作。同时,它们还支持多种安装方式,如地面安装、顶吊安装等,以适应不同场景的需求。

  3. 自动化程度高:机器人能够自主完成从物料识别、抓取、搬运到码垛的全过程,无需人工干预或仅需少量人工辅助,大大提高了生产效率和自动化水平。


  1. 装卸功能:移动协作码垛机器人能够轻松应对各种形状、尺寸和重量的物料装卸任务。它们能够准确识别物料的位置和姿态,快速抓取并搬运至指定位置。

  2. 取放功能:在码垛过程中,机器人能够精确地将物料放置在预定位置,形成稳定的码垛结构。同时,它们还能够根据生产线的实际需求进行灵活调整和优化码垛模式。

  3. 应用范围:这类机器人广泛应用于食品、饮料、医药、化工、电子等行业的生产线中。它们能够替代传统的人工码垛方式,提高生产效率、降低人工成本并改善工作环境。


  1. 质量保证:移动协作码垛机器人在生产过程中经过严格的质量控制和测试,确保每一台机器人都达到既定的性能标准和质量要求。同时,部分厂家还提供质保服务,如一年质保等,以保障客户的权益。

  2. 售后服务:厂家通常提供完善的售后服务体系,包括技术支持、维修保养、备件供应等。他们能够快速响应客户的需求和问题,并提供专业的解决方案和服务支持。



Mobile collaborative palletizing robots provide strong support for industrial automation production with their efficient, accurate and flexible characteristics in loading, unloading, picking, and placing materials. Here's a closer look at the features associated with this type of robot:

First, the basic characteristics

High precision: Mobile collaborative palletizing robots are usually equipped with high-precision sensors and control systems, which can achieve accurate path planning and position control, ensuring high accuracy requirements in the process of loading, unloading, picking, and placing materials.

Flexibility: This type of robot can not only move freely in two-dimensional space, but also achieve precise operation in three-dimensional space through flexible rotation of multiple joints. At the same time, they also support a variety of installation methods, such as ground installation, top crane installation, etc., to meet the needs of different scenarios.

High degree of automation: The robot can independently complete the whole process from material identification, grabbing, handling to palletizing, without manual intervention or only a small amount of manual assistance, which greatly improves production efficiency and automation level.

2. Functions and applications

Loading and unloading capabilities: Mobile collaborative palletizing robots can easily handle material handling tasks of various shapes, sizes, and weights. They are able to accurately identify the position and posture of the material, quickly pick it up and handle it to the specified position.

Pick & Place Function: During the palletizing process, the robot is able to accurately place the material in a predetermined position to form a stable palletizing structure. At the same time, they can flexibly adapt and optimize the palletizing pattern to the actual needs of the production line.

Scope of application: This kind of robot is widely used in the production line of food, beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical, electronics and other industries. They can replace traditional manual palletizing methods, improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and improve the working environment.

3. Quality assurance and after-sales service

Quality Assurance: Mobile collaborative palletizing robots undergo strict quality control and testing during the production process to ensure that each robot meets the established performance standards and quality requirements. At the same time, some manufacturers also provide warranty services, such as one-year warranty, to protect the rights and interests of customers.

After-sales service: Manufacturers usually provide a complete after-sales service system, including technical support, maintenance, spare parts supply, etc. They are able to respond quickly to customers' needs and problems, and provide professional solutions and service support.


Mobile collaborative palletizing robots perform well in loading, unloading, picking, and placing materials, and bring a lot of convenience to industrial automated production with their high precision, flexibility and high degree of automation. When choosing this type of robot, it is recommended to comprehensively consider factors such as production demand, robot performance, price, and after-sales service to choose the most suitable product for yourself.

 上一篇:协作机器人 负载3kg 臂长620mm 适用于搬运码垛场景Collaborative robot payload 3kg Arm length 620mm is
 下一篇:移动协作码垛机器人 稳定高效 减少场地浪费The mobile collaborative palletizing robot is stable and ef




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

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版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1