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精准六轴协作机器人 全自动装箱搬运码垛机Precision six-axis collaborative robot Fully automatic packi
发布时间:2024-08-11 15:11:20 | 浏览次数:




  1. 六轴设计

    • 拥有六个自由度,每个轴都能独立旋转或伸缩,能够完成复杂的三维空间运动,灵活性高,适应多种形状和尺寸的物品抓取及放置需求。

    • 这种设计使得机器人能够精确控制每个关节的运动,实现精细的装箱和码垛作业。

  2. 高精度

    • 配备高精度的传感器和控制系统,能够实现对物料位置的精确识别和抓取,减少误差,提高装箱和码垛的准确性。

  3. 全自动作业

    • 从物料识别、抓取、搬运到装箱、码垛,整个过程均可实现自动化作业,无需人工干预或仅需少量人工辅助。

  4. 协作功能

    • 作为协作型机器人(Cobot),设计有安全传感器和控制算法,能够在人员附近安全工作,无需传统的安全围栏隔离,增强了人机协作的效率和安全性。

  5. 移动性

    • 部分精准六轴协作机器人还具备移动功能,能够自主导航在仓库或生产线上移动,到达不同的作业点执行任务,大大提高了其工作范围和应用灵活性。

  6. 智能化

    • 通过预先编程或视觉识别系统,能够自动识别、抓取并精准地将产品装箱、堆叠成预定的层数和模式。

    • 现代协作机器人通常配备有直观的图形化编程界面,使得非专业人员也能快速上手,调整和设置机器人任务。




  1. 提高生产效率

    • 全自动作业模式减少了人工干预,提高了作业速度和效率。

  2. 降低人工成本

    • 自动化作业减少了对人力的依赖,降低了企业的劳动力成本。

  3. 提高作业质量

    • 高精度传感器和控制系统确保了装箱和码垛的准确性,减少了误差和损失。

  4. 增强安全性

    • 协作型设计使得机器人能够在人员附近安全作业,降低了工伤风险。




The Precision Six-axis Collaborative Robot Automatic Packing and Handling Palletizer is a highly flexible and advanced automation equipment, which is mainly used for material handling, packing, handling and palletizing tasks in industrial production. Here's a detailed breakdown of the device:

First, the main features

Six-axis design:

With six degrees of freedom, each axis can be rotated or telescopic independently, it can complete complex three-dimensional space movements, and has high flexibility, adapting to the needs of grasping and placing items of various shapes and sizes.

This design allows the robot to precisely control the movement of each joint, enabling delicate case packing and palletizing operations.

High Accuracy:

Equipped with high-precision sensors and control systems, it can accurately identify and grasp the position of materials, reduce errors, and improve the accuracy of packing and palletizing.

Fully automatic operation:

From material identification, grabbing, handling to packing and palletizing, the entire process can be automated without human intervention or with minimal manual assistance.

Collaboration Features:

As a collaborative robot (Cobot), it is designed with safety sensors and control algorithms to work safely near people without the need for traditional safety fence isolation, enhancing the efficiency and safety of human-robot collaboration.


Some precision six-axis cobots also have a mobility function, which can autonomously navigate around the warehouse or production line to reach different operation points to perform tasks, greatly improving their working scope and application flexibility.


Pre-programmed or visual recognition systems can be used to automatically identify, grip and precisely box and stack products into predetermined layers and patterns.

Modern cobots are often equipped with an intuitive graphical programming interface that allows non-specialists to quickly get up to speed, adjust and set up robot tasks.

2. Application scenarios

Precision six-axis collaborative robot automatic packing and handling palletizers are widely used in logistics, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, automobile manufacturing, electronic products and other industries. It can significantly improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and reduce the risk of work-related injuries, which is an indispensable part of the modern smart factory.

3. Advantages

Increased productivity:

The fully automatic operation mode reduces manual intervention and improves the speed and efficiency of the operation.

Reduced Labor Costs:

Automated operations reduce the dependence on manpower and reduce the labor cost of the enterprise.

Improve the quality of your work:

High-precision sensors and control systems ensure the accuracy of case packing and palletizing, reducing errors and losses.

Enhanced Security:

The collaborative design allows the robot to work safely close to people, reducing the risk of work-related injuries.

Fourth, case analysis

Benson's precision six-axis cobot, for example, is capable of fully automating packing, handling, and palletizing. Its main technical parameters include: palletizing capacity of 500-1000 bags/hour, working radius of 2 meters, ambient temperature of -10°C-+50°C, noise level of 70db(A), etc. These parameters ensure the stable and efficient operation of the robot in various environments.

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电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

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