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精致打造 上下料搬运装配 移动协作码垛机器人Exquisitely built loading and unloading handling assembly
发布时间:2024-08-11 15:59:53 | 浏览次数:




  1. 多功能性

    • 这类机器人不仅能够进行上下料的搬运,还能完成装配和码垛等多种任务,极大地提高了生产线的灵活性和效率。

  2. 协作性

    • 移动协作码垛机器人具备与其他自动化设备或人类操作员协同工作的能力,能够在复杂的工作环境中保持高效和准确的配合。

  3. 移动性

    • 机器人配备有先进的移动系统,能够自主导航、避障和定位,实现在不同工作区域之间的灵活移动。

  4. 高精度

    • 采用先进的传感器和控制系统,确保机器人在搬运、装配和码垛过程中的高精度和稳定性。

  5. 智能化

    • 配备有智能识别、路径规划和故障诊断等功能,能够自主优化工作流程,减少人工干预和停机时间。


  • 价格:根据具体型号和配置的不同,价格有所差异,但一般起价在数万元人民币左右。

  • 升降范围:根据客户需求定制,能够满足不同高度和层数的码垛需求。

  • 负载能力:按客户实际需求定制,能够承载一定重量的货物进行搬运和码垛。

  • 运动范围:通常具备多个关节,能够实现全方位的运动和灵活的操作。

  • 速度:具备较快的移动和操作速度,能够高效地完成各种任务。

  • 功耗:平均功耗适中,能够在保证性能的同时降低能源消耗。


  1. 制造业

    • 在汽车、电子、机械等制造业中,机器人可以完成零部件的搬运、装配和成品的码垛等任务。

  2. 仓储物流

    • 在仓库和物流中心中,机器人可以自动化地完成货物的入库、存储、出库和码垛等流程。

  3. 食品、医药等行业

    • 在对卫生和安全要求较高的行业中,机器人能够确保产品的安全和卫生,同时提高生产效率和准确性。



Exquisitely built loading and unloading handling assembly mobile collaborative palletizing robots are important equipment in the field of industrial automation, which combine precision mechanical structure, advanced control system and flexible movement ability to efficiently complete a variety of complex handling, assembly and palletizing tasks. Here's a closer look at this type of bot:

First, product features


This type of robot can not only carry out loading and unloading, but also complete a variety of tasks such as assembly and palletizing, which greatly improves the flexibility and efficiency of the production line.


Mobile collaborative palletizing robots have the ability to work in tandem with other automation equipment or human operators to maintain efficient and accurate cooperation in complex work environments.


The robot is equipped with an advanced mobility system that enables autonomous navigation, obstacle avoidance and positioning, enabling flexible movement between different work areas.

High Accuracy:

Advanced sensors and control systems are used to ensure the high accuracy and stability of the robot in the process of handling, assembly and palletizing.


Equipped with functions such as intelligent identification, path planning, and fault diagnosis, it can autonomously optimize workflows and reduce manual intervention and downtime.

2. Technical parameters (take a brand as an example)

Price: The price varies according to the specific model and configuration, but the general starting price is about tens of thousands of yuan.

Lifting range: customized according to customer needs, able to meet the needs of different heights and layers of palletizing.

Load capacity: customized according to the actual needs of customers, able to carry a certain weight of goods for handling and palletizing.

Range of motion: Usually with multiple joints, it allows for all-round movement and flexible operation.

Speed: With fast movement and operation speed, it can efficiently complete a variety of tasks.

Power consumption: The average power consumption is moderate, which can reduce energy consumption while maintaining performance.

3. Application scenarios


In manufacturing industries such as automobiles, electronics, and machinery, robots can complete tasks such as handling parts, assembling and palletizing finished products.

Warehousing and logistics:

In warehouses and logistics centers, robots can automate processes such as warehousing, storage, emigration, and palletizing of goods.

Food, medicine and other industries:

In industries with high hygiene and safety requirements, robots are able to ensure the safety and hygiene of products while improving production efficiency and accuracy.


The exquisitely built loading and unloading, handling, assembly, and mobile collaborative palletizing robot is one of the important equipment in the field of modern industrial automation. They are characterized by versatility, collaboration, mobility, precision and intelligence, which can significantly increase productivity and automation. In the future, with the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, this kind of robot will play an important role in more fields.

 上一篇:升降范围较大 性能稳定 移动协作码垛机器人Large lifting range and stable performance Mobile collabora
 下一篇:移动协作码垛机器人 上门安装 稳定性强 精密加工/零件组装Mobile collaborative palletizing robot door-to-door




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1