
免费咨询热线: 0538-3280336

  • 本森智能装备(山东)有限公司
  • 电话:156 8882 9575
  • 邮编:0538- 3280336
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生物蛋白原材料包装机立柱码垛机器人整套生产线The whole production line of biological protein raw materi
发布时间:2024-04-15 09:43:49 | 浏览次数:

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1. 原料处理


2. 计量与填充包装


3. 封口与检测


4. 立柱码垛机器人


5. 输送系统


6. 控制系统



The whole production line of biological protein raw material packaging machine column palletizing robot is a highly automated production line system, which is mainly used in the packaging and subsequent stacking (palletizing) operation of biological protein raw materials (such as soybean protein, whey protein, etc.). This kind of production line usually includes the following parts:

1. Raw material handling

The first step is to carry out pretreatment steps such as screening, washing, and drying of biological protein raw materials to ensure the quality and purity of raw materials.

2. Metering and filling packaging

: The processed biological protein raw materials are accurately weighed and filled into bags or containers by automatic metering and packaging machines, and packaged into product packages with preset specifications.

3. Sealing and testing

After the filling is completed, the machine will heat seal the bag or seal it in other ways, and ensure the tightness and integrity of the package through quality inspection equipment.

4. Column palletizing robot

The palletizing robot is responsible for stacking the packaged products neatly on the pallet according to a specific stacking pattern, which has the characteristics of high precision and high speed, which significantly improves production efficiency and storage space utilization.

5. Conveyor system

Conveyor belts or chains and other equipment throughout the entire production line connect all links in an orderly manner to realize the automatic flow of materials between different processes.

6. Control system

The whole production line is usually equipped with advanced PLC or industrial computer control system to realize the coordinated control of each link, data collection, analysis and other functions to ensure the efficient and stable operation of the production line.

Combining the above parts, such a production line greatly improves the automation level of biological protein raw material production, reduces manual operation, and improves production efficiency and product quality. If you need more specific protocol design or technical advice, please provide more details so that I can help you more precisely.

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 下一篇:立柱机械手码垛机Column manipulator palletizer




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1