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并联机器人配合视觉垃圾分拣系统The parallel robot is combined with the visual waste sorting syst
发布时间:2024-05-05 15:15:55 | 浏览次数:




  1. 图像识别:系统首先通过摄像头等视觉传感器捕捉垃圾场景的图像数据。这些图像数据包括垃圾的形状、颜色、纹理等特征。

  2. 目标检测:利用计算机视觉和深度学习算法对图像数据进行分析和处理,识别出不同种类的垃圾。这个过程通常通过训练模型和大量的样本数据来实现,以确保系统能够准确地识别出各种垃圾。

  3. 动作控制:一旦垃圾被识别,并联机器人会根据视觉系统的指令进行动作控制。机器人通过其高速、高精度的运动能力,将目标垃圾从垃圾堆中抓取出来,并投放到相应的分类容器中。




The parallel robot with the visual waste sorting system is an efficient automation solution 

for waste sorting and recycling. This system combines the high-speed, high-precision 

operation capabilities of parallel robots with the accuracy of a visual recognition system 

to quickly and accurately identify and sort waste.

The following is how the parallel robot works with the visual waste sorting system:

Image recognition: The system first captures the image data of the garbage scene through

 visual sensors such as cameras. This image data includes features such as shape, color, texture, 

and other characteristics of the garbage.

Object detection: Computer vision and deep learning algorithms are used to analyze and process

image data to identify different types of garbage. This process is usually achieved by training 

a model and a large amount of sample data to ensure that the system can accurately identify 

various types of garbage.

Motion control: Once the garbage is identified, the parallel robot will perform motion control 

according to the instructions of the vision system. Through its high-speed, high-precision movement 

capabilities, the robot picks up the target waste from the garbage heap and puts it into the corresponding 

sorting container.

Delta robots have unique advantages in this system. First of all, they have the characteristics of no cumulative 

error and high accuracy, which can ensure the accuracy of waste sorting. Secondly, the moving part of

 the parallel robot is lightweight, high-speed, and has good dynamic response, which can complete the 

sorting task quickly and efficiently. In addition, the parallel robot has a compact structure, high rigidity 

and large bearing capacity, which can adapt to a variety of complex sorting environments.

The visual garbage sorting system realizes the rapid and accurate classification of garbage through 

the introduction of visual recognition technology. This technology can not only improve the sorting efficiency, 

but also reduce the error rate of manual sorting, reduce environmental pollution and waste of resources.

In short, the parallel robot with the visual waste sorting system is an advanced automation solution, 

which can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of garbage sorting. With the continuous development 

of technology, such systems will play an increasingly important role in the field of waste sorting and recycling in the future.

 上一篇:蜘蛛手分拣机械手(也称为蜘蛛手分拣机器人或分拣机械手)Spider Hand Sorting Manipulator (also known as Spider
 下一篇:并联机器人视觉分拣器Parallel robot vision sorter




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