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高速并联机器人分拣设备是一种先进的自动化分拣系统High-speed parallel robot sorting equipment is an advanc
发布时间:2024-05-05 15:24:38 | 浏览次数:




  1. 视觉识别系统:高速并联机器人分拣设备配备了高精度的视觉识别系统,可以实时捕捉物料图像,并通过图像识别技术准确识别物料的类型、尺寸、形状等信息。这一系统为后续的物料分拣提供了基础数据支持。

  2. 并联机器人:设备中的并联机器人具有高速、高精度的运动特性,能够快速、准确地执行分拣动作。通过预先设定的程序,机器人可以根据视觉识别系统提供的信息,自动抓取并分拣物料,将其放置在指定的位置。

  3. 控制系统:高速并联机器人分拣设备的控制系统负责整个系统的协调和控制。它接收视觉识别系统提供的数据,并根据预设的算法和规则,计算出机器人的运动轨迹和分拣动作。同时,控制系统还可以实时监测机器人的工作状态,确保其稳定运行并满足生产需求。


  1. 分拣效率高:并联机器人的高速、高精度特性使得分拣过程更加迅速、准确,大大提高了生产效率。

  2. 灵活性好:并联机器人可以在狭小的空间内灵活操作,适应不同形状、大小和重量的物料分拣需求。

  3. 准确性高:视觉识别系统的应用使得分拣过程更加准确,减少了人为误差和损失。

  4. 节省人力:自动化分拣系统减少了人工操作,降低了劳动力成本,并提高了工作环境的安全性。



High-speed parallel robot sorting equipment is an advanced automated sorting system, 

which combines the high-speed, high-precision characteristics of parallel robots and 

advanced visual recognition technology to achieve fast and accurate sorting of materials.

The working principle of this equipment mainly depends on the following aspects:

Visual recognition system: The high-speed parallel robot sorting equipment is equipped with 

a high-precision visual recognition system, which can capture material images in real time and 

accurately identify the type, size, shape and other information of materials through image recognition technology. 

This system provides basic data support for subsequent material sorting.

Parallel robots: The parallel robots in the equipment have high-speed, high-precision motion characteristics, 

and can perform sorting actions quickly and accurately. Through a pre-set program, the robot can automatically

 pick up and sort materials and place them in a specified location based on the information provided by the visual 

recognition system.

Control system: The control system of the high-speed parallel robot sorting equipment is responsible for the 

coordination and control of the whole system. It receives the data provided by the visual recognition system, 

and calculates the robot's movement trajectory and sorting actions according to the preset algorithms and rules. 

At the same time, the control system can also monitor the working status of the robot in real time to ensure its 

stable operation and meet production needs.

High-speed parallel robotic sorting equipment offers a number of advantages:

High sorting efficiency: The high-speed and high-precision characteristics of the parallel robot make the sorting 

process faster and more accurate, which greatly improves the production efficiency.

Flexibility: The parallel robot can operate flexibly in a small space and adapt to the sorting needs of materials of 

different shapes, sizes and weights.

High accuracy: The application of the visual recognition system makes the sorting process more accurate, reducing human error and loss.

Labor savings: Automated sorting systems reduce manual operations, reduce labor costs, and improve the safety of the work environment.

This equipment is widely used in many industries, such as logistics, e-commerce, express delivery, manufacturing, etc. In the logistics industry, 

it can quickly process a large number of parcels and improve logistics efficiency, in the e-commerce and express delivery industry, it can realize 

automated sorting and distribution to improve customer satisfaction, and in the manufacturing industry, it can be used for tasks such as parts 

sorting and assembly on the production line.

In short, the high-speed parallel robot sorting equipment is an advanced automatic sorting system, which realizes the rapid and accurate 

sorting of materials by combining the high-speed, high-precision characteristics and visual recognition technology of the parallel robot,

 and provides strong support for industrial automated production.

 上一篇:工业分拣机器人蜘蛛手(也称为蜘蛛手分拣机器人或并联机器人)Industrial Sorting Robot Spider Hand (also known as
 下一篇:六自由度并联机器人分拣蜘蛛手(通常也称为六轴并联机器人或蜘蛛手分拣系统)Six-Degree-of-Freedom Delta Robot Sorts Spid




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