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生产线上的蜘蛛手分拣并联机器人Spider hand sorting parallel robot on the production line
发布时间:2024-05-05 15:30:51 | 浏览次数:




  1. 六自由度设计:机器人拥有六个自由度,这意味着它可以在三维空间中自由移动和旋转,从而适应各种复杂的分拣任务。

  2. 高速、高精度:并联机器人的结构使其能够实现高速、高精度的运动,确保物料在分拣过程中的准确性和效率。

  3. 先进的视觉识别系统:通过集成高精度的摄像头和图像处理技术,机器人能够实时捕捉物料图像,并准确识别物料的形状、尺寸、颜色等信息,为分拣提供基础数据支持。

  4. 灵活性强:蜘蛛手分拣并联机器人具有灵活的机械臂和夹具设计,可以适应不同形状、尺寸和重量的物料分拣需求。

  5. 自动化程度高:机器人能够根据预设的程序和算法自动完成分拣任务,无需人工干预,大大降低了劳动力成本。


  1. 物料分拣:机器人可以根据物料的类型、尺寸、颜色等信息进行自动分拣,将物料准确地投放到指定的位置或容器中。

  2. 产品检测:通过集成传感器和图像处理技术,机器人可以对产品进行质量检测,如尺寸测量、外观检查等,确保产品质量符合标准。

  3. 装配和搬运:机器人可以协助工人完成装配和搬运任务,如将零件组装到产品上、将产品从生产线搬运到包装区等。


The spider hand sorting parallel robot on the production line is an automated sorting 

equipment designed for industrial production lines. It combines the high-speed,

 high-precision motion characteristics of parallel robots with advanced visual recognition 

technology to achieve fast and accurate sorting of materials.

Spider hand sorting parallel robots usually have the following characteristics:

Six degrees of freedom design: The robot has six degrees of freedom, which means it 

can move and rotate freely in three-dimensional space, allowing it to adapt to 

a variety of complex sorting tasks.

High-speed and high-precision: The structure of the parallel robot enables it to 

achieve high-speed and high-precision movement to ensure the accuracy and 

efficiency of materials in the sorting process.

Advanced visual recognition system: Through the integration of high-precision 

cameras and image processing technology, the robot can capture material images

 in real time, and accurately identify the shape, size, color and other information of materials, 

providing basic data support for sorting.

Flexibility: The spider hand sorting parallel robot has a flexible robotic arm and fixture design 

that can adapt to the material sorting needs of different shapes, sizes, and weights.

High degree of automation: The robot can automatically complete the sorting task according 

to the preset program and algorithm without manual intervention, which greatly reduces labor costs.

In terms of application on the production line, spider hand sorting parallel robots can be

 widely used in the following scenarios:

Material sorting: The robot can automatically sort the material according to the type, size, 

color and other information, and accurately put the material into the specified location or container.

Product inspection: Through the integration of sensors and image processing technology, the robot 

can perform quality inspection on products, such as dimensional measurement, visual inspection, etc., 

to ensure that product quality meets standards.

Assembly and handling: Robots can assist workers with assembly and handling tasks, such as assembling 

parts onto products, moving products from the production line to the packaging area, etc.

In general, the spider hand sorting parallel robot on the production line is an efficient, accurate and 

flexible automatic sorting equipment, which can improve the automation level and production efficiency 

of the production line, reduce production costs and human error rate.

 上一篇:六自由度并联机器人分拣蜘蛛手(通常也称为六轴并联机器人或蜘蛛手分拣系统)Six-Degree-of-Freedom Delta Robot Sorts Spid
 下一篇:本森智能装备生产的蜘蛛手并联机器人是一款高端的自动化设备The spider hand parallel robot produced by Benson In




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