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面粉行业本森高位码垛机框架式码垛设备Benson high-position palletizer frame palletizing equipment fo
发布时间:2024-05-10 14:44:43 | 浏览次数:



1. 广泛应用

: 适用于面粉以及其他粉末状、颗粒状产品的袋装物品码垛,如化工原料、饲料、化肥等,满足面粉行业对高效自动化码垛的需求。

2. 结构设计

: 设备采用框架式设计,结构简约而耐用,有利于维护和清洁,同时保证了设备的稳定性。

3. 先进技术

: 集成了德国技术,确保了设备的高性能和低故障率,采用伺服电机驱动和齿轮传动,提高了码垛的精准度和效率。

4. 操作简便

: 提供的操作界面友好,使得设备操作简单,编组方式灵活,可以根据不同产品和包装需求进行调整。

5. 自动化功能

: 具备全自动上油保养维护功能,减少人工干预,降低运营成本,同时噪音低,适合室内环境使用。

6. 垛型多样

: 可根据需要定制垛型,实现整齐美观的堆垛效果,满足仓储和物流的需要。

7. 定制服务

: 本森智能装备可以根据客户的具体生产线需求,设计不同类型的机械抓手,适应不同尺寸和材质的包装袋,实现高度定制化的解决方案。


The high-level palletizer provided by Shandong Bensen Intelligent Equipment is very suitable for use in the flour industry, which is a frame-type palletizing equipment designed to improve production efficiency and automation. Here are some of the features and benefits of the device:

1. Widely used

: It is suitable for palletizing flour and other powdered and granular products in bags, such as chemical raw materials, feed, fertilizers, etc., to meet the needs of the flour industry for efficient and automated palletizing.

2. Structural design

: The equipment adopts a frame design, the structure is simple and durable, which is conducive to maintenance and cleaning, and at the same time ensures the stability of the equipment.

3. Advanced technology

: The integration of German technology ensures the high performance and low failure rate of the equipment, and the servo motor drive and gear drive are used to improve the accuracy and efficiency of palletizing.

4. Easy to operate

: The user-friendly interface provided makes the equipment easy to operate, flexible in grouping mode, and can be adjusted according to different product and packaging needs.

5. Automation features

: It has the function of automatic oiling and maintenance, which reduces manual intervention and operating costs, and at the same time has low noise, which is suitable for indoor use.

6. Various stacking types

: The pallet type can be customized according to needs to achieve a neat and beautiful stacking effect to meet the needs of warehousing and logistics.

7. Customized Service

: Benson Intelligent Equipment can design different types of mechanical grippers according to the specific production line needs of customers, adapt to packaging bags of different sizes and materials, and achieve highly customized solutions.

To sum up, Shandong Bensen's high-level palletizer frame palletizing equipment can significantly improve the automation level of the packaging line in the flour industry, improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and ensure the quality of stacking.

 上一篇:本森袋装物料高位码垛机Benson high-level palletizer for bagged materials
 下一篇:龙门高位码垛机生产线用于袋装行业Gantry high palletizer production line is used in the bagging in




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1