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桁架机械手自动化搬运码垛The truss manipulator automatically handles palletizing
发布时间:2024-06-11 11:03:44 | 浏览次数:



1. 系统构成


2. 工作原理

• 物料识别与定位


• 抓取


• 搬运


• 码垛


• 循环作业


• 应用领域


• 优势

• 高效性


• 准确性


• 灵活性


• 安全性


• 发展趋势


Truss manipulator automatic handling and palletizing is an automation technology widely used in modern industrial production, which mainly uses pre-programmed robotic arms or truss robots to automatically complete the grabbing, handling and stacking (palletizing) of materials in a fixed path or area. This technology offers significant advantages in terms of increased productivity, reduced labor costs, and improved work accuracy and safety. Here's a detailed description of the process:

1. System Composition

Typical gantry manipulator automated handling and palletizing systems include gantry manipulators (or gantry robots), end effectors (such as suction cups, grippers, etc.), control systems (PLC or industrial PC), sensors (such as photoelectric sensors, proximity switches, etc.), conveyor lines, and palletizing areas.

2. How it works

• Material identification and positioning

Sensors and vision systems (e.g. cameras) are used to identify and position the material to ensure that the robot can grasp it accurately.


The end effector of the manipulator selects the appropriate grasping method (such as vacuum suction, clamping, etc.) according to the shape and material of the material.


: After grabbing, the manipulator moves the material to the target location according to a predetermined path.


After arriving at the palletizing area, the manipulator will put down the materials and stack them neatly according to the set palletizing mode (such as the number of layers, arrangement, etc.).

• Cyclical operation

After completing a palletizing, the manipulator returns to the initial position and starts the next round of grasping and handling process, and the whole process can be continuously and automatically.

• Fields of application

It is widely used in manufacturing, such as food and beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical, electronics, logistics and warehousing industries, especially suitable for heavy loads, high-frequency repetitive operations and operations in dangerous environments.


• High efficiency

: 24 hours of uninterrupted work, significantly improve production efficiency.


: Reduce human error and ensure the accuracy and consistency of palletizing.


: Can be programmed to adapt to different product sizes and packaging formats.


: Replace labor in hazardous or heavy physical labor environments to reduce the risk of work-related injuries.

• Trends

With the development of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, machine vision and other technologies, the intelligent level of truss manipulators will be further improved, and more complex task processing and more efficient collaborative work will be realized.

 上一篇:板材桁架码垛生产线Plate truss palletizing production line




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


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