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本森大米双抓川崎180码垛机器人Benson rice double grab Kawasaki 180 palletizing robot
发布时间:2024-06-17 09:01:42 | 浏览次数:

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1. 双抓手设计


2. 川崎CP180L机器人本体


3. 180度关节灵活性


4. 智能化操作


5. 易于维护与高效能


6. 应用领域



Benson Rice Double Grab Kawasaki 180 Palletizing Robot refers to a high-efficiency palletizing equipment that combines Benson intelligent equipment technology and Kawasaki robot technology, which is especially suitable for automatic stacking operations of bulk or bagged products such as rice. This robot has the following features:

1. Double-gripper design

Equipped with two grippers, it can handle two bags at the same time, which significantly improves palletizing efficiency and reduces cycle time.

2. Kawasaki CP180L robot body

Kawasaki CP180L series robots are used as the basis, this series is known for its wide working range, up to 1800mm left and right, 1600mm front and rear, and 2200mm up and down, and can carry heavy loads, up to 300kg, suitable for handling items with a certain weight such as rice bags.

3. 180-degree joint flexibility

The robot joint design allows for a range of motion of at least 180 degrees, which means that it has a high degree of flexibility and accuracy when performing palletizing movements, adapting to different palletizing patterns and pallet configurations.

4. Intelligent operation

The robot is a collaboration between Benson and Kawasaki with integrated intelligent control software that enables precise positioning, fast response and easy programming, allowing users to adjust the palletizing process according to actual production needs.

5. Easy maintenance and high performance

: Emphasizes the ease of maintenance and long-term operation stability of the robot, reduces downtime, and ensures the continuous and efficient operation of the production line.

6. Applications

It is widely used in grain processing, food packaging and other industries, especially for the back-end processing of automatic packaging lines for bulk agricultural products such as rice, so as to realize the integrated automation process from packaging to palletizing.

In summary, the Benson Rice Double Grab Kawasaki 180 Palletizing Robot is a high-end automation solution optimized for rice palletizing operations, aiming to improve production efficiency, reduce costs and ensure operational safety.

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电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1