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蜘蛛手食品装箱Spider Hand food boxing
发布时间:2024-06-25 09:16:57 | 浏览次数:




1. 快速分拣:根据预设程序,蜘蛛手可以从输送带上抓取不同类型的食品,比如包装好的零食、水果、蔬菜等,并根据产品的种类或规格进行分类。

2. 精准装箱:利用高精度定位技术,机械臂能够确保每个产品都被放置在包装箱的正确位置,这不仅提升了包装效率,还能减少因人为错误导致的产品损坏。

3. 质量检查:在装箱前,蜘蛛手配备的视觉系统可以对食品进行外观检查,剔除不合格产品,确保产品质量。

4. 适应性强:蜘蛛手可以根据生产线的需求调整工作流程,无论是小批量多品种还是大批量单一品种的生产,都能灵活应对。

5. 卫生安全:专门设计用于食品行业的蜘蛛手采用易于清洁的材料制成,符合食品安全标准,减少交叉污染的风险。

6. 节省空间和人力:相较于传统的人工作业,蜘蛛手占用的空间小,且能24小时不间断工作,大大降低了人工成本和提高了生产效率。


Spider Hand food boxing

Spider hands are often referred to as multi-articulated robotic arms in the field of automation, and they are widely used in various industrial scenarios, including food boxing, because of their flexible form and ability to operate. In this application, the Spider Hand (also known as Delta Robot, Delta Robot, etc.) is able to efficiently and accurately complete the following tasks:

1. Rapid sorting: According to the preset program, the spider hand can grab different types of food from the conveyor belt, such as packaged snacks, fruits, vegetables, etc., and sort them according to the type or specification of the product.

2. Precise case packing: Using high-precision positioning technology, the robotic arm can ensure that each product is placed in the correct position of the box, which not only improves packaging efficiency, but also reduces product damage caused by human error.

3. Quality inspection: Before packing, the vision system equipped with the spider hand can perform visual inspection of the food, reject unqualified products, and ensure product quality.

4. Strong adaptability: Spider Hand can adjust the workflow according to the needs of the production line, whether it is a small batch of multiple varieties or a large batch of single variety, it can flexibly respond.

5. Hygienic and safe: Spider hands specially designed for use in the food industry are made of easy-to-clean materials that meet food safety standards and reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

6. Save space and manpower: Compared with traditional manual operations, spider hands occupy less space and can work 24 hours a day, which greatly reduces labor costs and improves production efficiency.

In summary, the application of spider hands in the field of food packing has greatly improved the level of production automation and ensured the efficiency, accuracy and hygiene standards of the operation. 

 上一篇:两轴、三轴、四轴、五轴并联机器人的厂家Manufacturers of two-axis, three-axis, four-axis, and five-ax




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