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高速 紧凑 灵活布局的大型喷涂机器人High-speed, compact, flexible layout of large spraying robots
发布时间:2024-08-07 14:13:19 | 浏览次数:




  1. 高速喷涂

    • 这类喷涂机器人通常配备高效的喷涂系统和先进的控制技术,能够实现高速、均匀的喷涂作业,提高生产效率。

    • 通过优化喷涂路径和参数设置,减少喷涂时间,提升整体生产节拍。

  2. 紧凑设计

    • 机器人本体设计紧凑,占用空间小,便于在有限的生产空间内进行布局。

    • 紧凑设计还有助于减少机器人运动过程中的干涉,提高作业的稳定性和安全性。

  3. 灵活布局

    • 喷涂机器人具备灵活的布局能力,可根据生产线的实际需求和空间条件进行定制化布局。

    • 支持地面安装、壁挂安装、顶吊安装等多种安装方式,适应不同生产环境的需求。



  • 紧凑高效:采用紧凑型安装底座和半圆形工艺臂设计,减少了安装面积,降低了对周围设备的干涉。

  • 灵活作业:机器人具备灵活的作业空间和高防水防尘性能,正压式防爆设计使其能灵活应对各类气雾及粉尘爆炸环境。同时,支持地面安装、壁挂安装、顶吊安装等多种安装方式。

  • 高效喷涂:配置工艺臂可集成喷涂工艺控制元器件,是同级别中唯一配置工艺臂的防爆喷涂机器人。工艺臂支持多组齿轮泵和换色阀安装,油漆工艺控制元器件离喷枪距离更近,反应更快,实现精准控漆,节省油漆成本。






High-speed, compact and flexible layout of large spraying robots are important equipment in the field of modern industrial coating, they combine the characteristics of efficient spraying, compact design and flexible layout to meet the coating needs of different industries. Here's a closer look at this type of spraying robot:

1. Features and advantages

High-speed spraying:

This type of spraying robot is usually equipped with an efficient spraying system and advanced control technology, which can achieve high-speed, uniform spraying operations and improve production efficiency.

By optimizing the spraying path and parameter settings, the spraying time is reduced and the overall cycle time is improved.

Compact design:

The compact design of the robot body takes up little space, which is convenient for layout in limited production space.

The compact design also helps to reduce interference during robot movement, improving the stability and safety of the operation.

Flexible Layout:

The spraying robot has flexible layout capabilities, and can be customized according to the actual needs and space conditions of the production line.

It supports a variety of installation methods such as ground installation, wall mounting, and top crane installation to meet the needs of different production environments.

Second, the application case

Take the Benson explosion-proof spraying robot as an example, which is a good example of high-speed, compact and flexible layout. Key features include:

Compact and efficient: The compact mounting base and semi-circular process arm design reduce the installation area and reduce interference with surrounding equipment.

Flexible operation: The robot has a flexible working space and high waterproof and dustproof performance, and the positive pressure explosion-proof design makes it flexible to deal with all kinds of aerosol and dust explosion environments. At the same time, it supports a variety of installation methods such as ground installation, wall mounting, and top crane installation.

Efficient spraying: The process arm can be integrated with spraying process control components, and it is the only explosion-proof spraying robot equipped with a process arm in the same level. The process arm supports the installation of multiple sets of gear pumps and color change valves, and the paint process control components are closer to the spray gun, and the response is faster, so as to achieve precise paint control and save paint costs.

3. Price and Supplier

The price of a large-scale spraying robot with high speed, compact, and flexible layout varies depending on the brand, model, configuration, and other factors. In general, these high-end spraying robots are more expensive, but can lead to significant productivity gains and cost savings. For specific prices, it is recommended to consult the relevant suppliers directly or consult the relevant market quotations.

In terms of suppliers, there are many well-known enterprises at home and abroad engaged in the research and development and production of spraying robots, with rich experience and advanced technology in the field of spraying robots, which can provide customers with customized solutions and high-quality products.

IV. Conclusions

Large-scale spraying robots with high speed, compact and flexible layout play an important role in the field of modern industrial coating. They help enterprises achieve automated and intelligent production by improving spraying efficiency, saving space, and flexible layout. When choosing this kind of spraying robot, enterprises should consider comprehensively according to their own needs and actual conditions, and choose suitable models and suppliers.

 上一篇:防爆喷涂设备/多功能喷涂机器人/一体喷漆设备Explosion-proof spraying equipment/multi-functional sprayi
 下一篇:可定制 安装方式多 用途广 灰色 川崎喷涂机器人KF192库存Customizable, multi-installation, versatile, gray




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