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可定制 安装方式多 用途广 灰色 川崎喷涂机器人KF192库存Customizable, multi-installation, versatile, gray
发布时间:2024-08-07 14:19:16 | 浏览次数:




  • 型号:川崎喷涂机器人KF192

  • 颜色:灰色

  • 特点:可定制、安装方式多样、用途广泛


  1. 可定制性:川崎喷涂机器人KF192提供高度的可定制性,以满足不同行业和客户的特定需求。这包括负载能力、工作范围、速度等关键参数的调整,以及根据具体应用场景进行的定制设计。

  2. 安装方式多样:该机器人支持多种安装方式,如地面式、壁挂式、吊顶式等,以适应不同的生产环境和空间布局要求。这种灵活性确保了机器人能够在各种复杂环境中高效运行。

  3. 用途广泛:川崎喷涂机器人KF192不仅适用于传统的喷涂作业,如汽车、家电等行业的表面涂装,还可广泛应用于防爆喷涂、小范围精准喷涂等特殊领域。其强大的编程灵活性和高运行性能使其能够胜任各种复杂的涂装任务。


  • 负载能力:根据公开发布的信息,川崎喷涂机器人KF192的负载能力可能达到12kg(具体参数可能因不同型号或配置而有所差异)。

  • 水平伸展距离:该机器人的水平伸展距离可达1,973mm,确保了其在较大工作范围内的灵活性和高效性。

  • 编程方式:川崎机器人K系列支持两种编程方式:通过机器人示教器或计算机进行编程,以及使用川崎特有的方框步骤或AS语言进行编程。这些编程方法提供了极大的灵活性和便捷性,使得用户能够轻松实现复杂的涂装作业。


  • 库存情况:目前市场上有川崎喷涂机器人KF192的库存供应,但具体库存数量需根据供应商的实际情况而定。

  • 价格信息:川崎喷涂机器人KF192的价格可能因配置、供应商和促销活动等因素而有所不同。根据公开发布的信息,其价格大致在26.9万元人民币起(具体价格请咨询相关供应商)。


  • 供应商:川崎喷涂机器人KF192由川崎重工等知名机器人制造商生产,并由多家授权经销商和代理商销售。在选择供应商时,建议考虑其产品质量、售后服务和技术支持等因素。

  • 服务与支持:川崎机器人提供全面的售前咨询、售中技术支持和售后服务。用户可以通过官方网站、客服热线或当地经销商等渠道获取相关信息和服务支持。


The detailed introduction about "Customizable, Multiple Installation Methods, Versatile, Gray Kawasaki Spraying Robot KF192 Stock" is as follows:

Basic Information

Model: Kawasaki Spraying Robot KF192

Color: Gray

Features: Customizable, diverse installation methods, wide range of uses


Customizability: The Kawasaki Spraying Robot KF192 offers a high degree of customizability to meet the specific needs of different industries and customers. This includes adjustments to key parameters such as load capacity, operating range, speed, as well as custom designs for specific applications.

Diverse installation methods: The robot supports a variety of installation methods, such as floor-mounted, wall-mounted, ceiling-mounted, etc., to adapt to different production environments and space layout requirements. This flexibility ensures that the robot can operate efficiently in a variety of complex environments.

Wide range of uses: Kawasaki spraying robot KF192 is not only suitable for traditional spraying operations, such as surface coating in automobiles, home appliances and other industries, but also widely used in explosion-proof spraying, small-area precision spraying and other special fields. Its high programming flexibility and high runnability make it suitable for a wide range of complex painting tasks.

Technical parameters

Load capacity: According to publicly available information, the Kawasaki spraying robot KF192 may have a load capacity of 12kg (specific parameters may vary depending on the model or configuration).

Horizontal reach: The robot has a horizontal reach of up to 1,973 mm, ensuring its flexibility and efficiency over a wide working range.

Programming: The Kawasaki Robotics K Series supports two programming methods: programming via a robot teach pendant or computer, and programming using Kawasaki's unique box steps or AS language. These programming methods provide great flexibility and convenience, making it easy for users to implement complex painting jobs.

Availability & Prices

Stock: At present, there is a stock supply of Kawasaki spraying robot KF192 on the market, but the specific inventory quantity needs to be determined according to the actual situation of the supplier.

Price Information: The price of Kawasaki Spraying Robot KF192 may vary due to factors such as configuration, suppliers, and promotions. According to the publicly released information, its price starts at roughly 269,000 yuan (please consult the relevant supplier for the specific price).

Vendors & Services

Supplier: Kawasaki Spraying Robot KF192 is produced by well-known robot manufacturers such as Kawasaki Heavy Industries, and sold by several authorized dealers and agents. When choosing a supplier, it is advisable to consider factors such as product quality, after-sales service, and technical support.

Service & Support: Kawasaki Robotics provides comprehensive pre-sales consultation, in-sale technical support and after-sales service. Users can obtain relevant information and service support through the official website, customer service hotline or local dealers.

To sum up, the Kawasaki spraying robot KF192 is a spraying robot with excellent performance, strong customization, diverse installation methods and a wide range of uses. Its strong technical strength and wide range of application fields make it one of the first choices for users in many industries.

 上一篇:高速 紧凑 灵活布局的大型喷涂机器人High-speed, compact, flexible layout of large spraying robots
 下一篇:机器人喷涂设备 工业机器人喷涂设备 注意事项Robot Spraying Equipment Industrial Robot Spraying Equipme




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