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保温杯喷漆机器人 在线跟踪喷涂机械手 离线喷粉机械臂Vacuum cup painting robot Online tracking spraying man
发布时间:2024-08-09 10:23:50 | 浏览次数:



1. 喷漆机器人


  • 高精度:能够精确控制喷枪的移动轨迹和喷涂速度,确保涂层均匀无瑕疵。

  • 高效率:相比人工喷漆,机器人可以持续作业,大大提高生产效率。

  • 环保安全:减少油漆浪费,降低有害物质的排放,同时避免工人直接接触有害物质。

2. 在线跟踪喷涂机械手


  • 自适应喷涂:能够根据保温杯的实时位置和形状,自动调整喷涂角度和距离,确保涂层质量。

  • 灵活性高:适用于多种不同规格和形状的保温杯,无需频繁更换工装或调整设备。

  • 提高良品率:减少因喷涂不均或漏涂导致的不合格品,提高产品良品率。

3. 离线喷粉机械臂


  • 涂层均匀:静电喷粉技术能够确保粉末涂料均匀覆盖在保温杯表面,形成致密的涂层。

  • 环保节能:粉末涂料利用率高,浪费少,且烘烤固化过程中产生的废气易于处理。

  • 适应性强:可适用于不同材质和形状的保温杯,满足不同生产需求。


In the production process of thermos cups, surface treatment links such as painting and powder spraying are very important to improve the appearance quality and durability of products. With the development of automation technology, painting robots, online tracking spraying manipulators and off-line powder spraying manipulators have been widely used in the production line of thermos cups. The characteristics and applications of each of these three technologies are described below:

1. Painting robots

A painting robot is a robotic system specifically designed to automate painting operations. They are able to evenly and efficiently apply paint to the surface of the thermos cup by means of a high-precision spray gun and a programmed movement path. Painting robots have the following advantages:

High precision: The movement trajectory and spraying speed of the spray gun can be precisely controlled to ensure that the coating is uniform and flawless.

High efficiency: Compared with manual painting, the robot can continue to work, greatly improving production efficiency.

Environmental protection and safety: reduce paint waste, reduce the emission of harmful substances, and avoid direct contact with harmful substances for workers.

2. Online tracking of spraying manipulator

On the basis of the painting robot, the online tracking spraying manipulator adds advanced technologies such as visual recognition or laser tracking, which realizes the real-time identification of the shape of the thermos cup and the function of dynamically adjusting the spraying path. This kind of manipulator is especially suitable for spraying thermos cups with complex shapes and variable sizes. Key features include:

Adaptive spraying: It can automatically adjust the spraying angle and distance according to the real-time position and shape of the thermos cup to ensure the coating quality.

High flexibility: suitable for a variety of different sizes and shapes of thermos cups, no need to change tooling or adjust equipment frequently.

Improve the yield rate: reduce the unqualified products caused by uneven spraying or missing coating, and improve the product yield rate.

3. Off-line dusting robotic arm

The off-line powder spraying robot arm is mainly used for electrostatic powder spraying operations of metal products such as thermos cups. Different from painting, powder spraying is to evenly adhere the powder coating to the surface of the workpiece by electrostatic adsorption, and then bake and cure to form a coating. The off-line powder spraying manipulator has the following characteristics:

Uniform coating: Electrostatic powder spraying technology can ensure that the powder coating is evenly covered on the surface of the thermos cup to form a dense coating.

Environmental protection and energy saving: the powder coating has a high utilization rate, less waste, and the exhaust gas generated during the baking and curing process is easy to treat.

Strong adaptability: It can be applied to thermos cups of different materials and shapes to meet different production needs.

To sum up, painting robots, online tracking spraying manipulators and off-line powder spraying manipulators have their own advantages in the thermos cup production line, and the appropriate automatic spraying equipment can be selected according to production needs to improve production efficiency, product quality and environmental protection level.

 上一篇:家庭投影仪喷漆机器人 离线喷涂机器人设备 防爆喷涂设备Home Projector Painting Robot Offline Spraying Robot
 下一篇:机器人地轨 喷涂机械手地面轨道 工业机械臂第七轴Robot Ground Rail, Spraying Manipulator Ground Rail, Ind




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