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机器人地轨 喷涂机械手地面轨道 工业机械臂第七轴Robot Ground Rail, Spraying Manipulator Ground Rail, Ind
发布时间:2024-08-09 10:26:00 | 浏览次数:






  • 扩展机器人作业范围:通过增加第七轴,喷涂机器人可以覆盖更大的工作区域,实现跨工位或跨生产线的自动化喷涂作业。

  • 提高生产效率:机器人地轨的引入减少了人工搬运和调整喷涂设备的时间,使喷涂作业更加连续和高效。

  • 适应性强:可以根据生产线的变化进行快速调整,满足不同产品和工艺的需求。




  • 稳定性好:地面轨道采用高强度材料制成,具有良好的承重能力和抗变形能力,确保喷涂机械手在高速移动过程中的稳定性。

  • 精度高:通过精确的加工和安装工艺,确保地面轨道的直线度和平行度达到设计要求,从而保证喷涂机械手的定位精度和喷涂质量。

  • 维护方便:地面轨道的结构相对简单,易于进行清洁和维护工作,降低了生产线的运营成本。




  • 增加灵活性:通过第七轴,机械臂可以沿着预定的轨道进行移动和旋转,从而实现更加复杂的喷涂路径和动作。

  • 提高作业效率:第七轴使得机械臂能够同时处理多个工件或在不同工位之间快速切换,提高了喷涂作业的效率。

  • 降低成本:通过自动化作业减少了对人工的依赖,降低了劳动力成本和人为错误的风险。


Robot ground rails, spraying manipulator ground rails, and the seventh axis of industrial robotic arms play a vital role in the field of industrial automation. Together, these components form an important part of the spraying robot system, enabling precision, efficiency and automation of spraying operations. Here's a closer look at all three:

1. Robot ground rail

The robotic ground rail, also known as the robot walking axis or seventh axis, is an important extension of the spraying robot system. It mainly carries the main body of the spraying robot and provides it with a track to move on the ground or on a specific plane. The design of the robot's ground rail is flexible and can be customized according to the specific needs of the production line, including the length, width, load-bearing capacity and moving speed of the track.

The advantages of the robotic ground rail are:

Expand the range of robot work: By adding a seventh axis, the spraying robot can cover a larger work area, enabling automated spraying operations across stations or production lines.

Improved production efficiency: The introduction of robotic ground rails reduces the time spent manually handling and adjusting spraying equipment, making spraying operations more continuous and efficient.

Adaptable: It can be quickly adjusted according to the changes of the production line to meet the needs of different products and processes.

2. Spraying manipulator ground track

The spraying manipulator ground track is the infrastructure for the spraying manipulator to walk on the ground, which is similar to the robot ground rail, but more focused on providing a stable and accurate mobile platform for the spraying manipulator. The design of the ground track needs to take into account the weight of the spraying manipulator, the speed at which it operates, and the accuracy of the spraying operation.

Features of the spraying manipulator floor track include:

Good stability: The ground track is made of high-strength materials, which has good load-bearing capacity and anti-deformation ability, which ensures the stability of the spraying manipulator in the process of high-speed movement.

High precision: Through precise processing and installation technology, the straightness and parallelism of the ground track meet the design requirements, so as to ensure the positioning accuracy and spraying quality of the spraying manipulator.

Easy maintenance: The structure of the ground track is relatively simple, which is easy to clean and maintain, reducing the operating cost of the production line.

3. The seventh axis of the industrial manipulator

The seventh axis of the industrial robotic arm usually refers to the robotic ground rail or similar extended axis, which does not directly belong to the robotic arm itself, but exists as an auxiliary device for the robotic arm. In spraying operations, the seventh axis provides an additional degree of freedom for the robotic arm to spray over a larger space.

The functions of the seventh axis of the industrial robotic arm are:

Increased flexibility: With the seventh axis, the robot arm can move and rotate along a predetermined track, enabling more complex spray paths and movements.

Increased productivity: The seventh axis allows the robot arm to handle multiple parts at the same time or quickly switch between different stations, improving the efficiency of spraying operations.

Reduce costs: Reduce reliance on manual labor by automating operations, reducing labor costs and the risk of human error.

In summary, the robot ground rail, the spraying manipulator ground rail, and the seventh axis of the industrial robotic arm play an indispensable role in the spraying automation system. Together, they form an efficient, precise and flexible spraying solution, which provides strong support for industrial automation production.

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