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搬运,喷涂,码垛,焊接协作机器人 本森智能机械臂Handling, spraying, palletizing, welding collaborative r
发布时间:2024-08-10 15:22:49 | 浏览次数:








1. 搬运协作机器人


  • 高效、高精度:本森智能的搬运协作机器人能够准确、快速地完成物品的搬运任务,提高生产效率。

  • 灵活定制:根据客户需求进行定制,适应不同场景和负载要求。

  • 安全可靠:与工人协同作业,确保生产安全。


  • 在食品、饮料、化工等行业中,搬运协作机器人能够自动将成品从生产线搬运到包装线或仓库。

2. 喷涂协作机器人


  • 精准喷涂:通过高精度机械臂和智能控制系统,实现精准喷涂,提高产品质量。

  • 环保节能:减少涂料浪费,降低环境污染。

  • 自动化程度高:减少人工干预,提高生产效率。


  • 在汽车制造、家具制造等行业中,喷涂协作机器人能够自动完成喷涂作业,提高喷涂效率和质量。

3. 码垛协作机器人


  • 高效码垛:能够快速、准确地完成物品的码垛任务,提高生产效率。

  • 适应性强:能够处理不同形状、尺寸和重量的物品。

  • 智能化管理:通过智能控制系统,实现码垛过程的自动化管理。


  • 在食品、饮料、化工等行业中,码垛协作机器人能够自动将包装好的产品码垛成垛,便于存储和运输。

4. 焊接协作机器人


  • 高精度焊接:通过高精度机械臂和智能焊接系统,实现高精度焊接,提高焊接质量。

  • 灵活性强:能够适应不同形状、尺寸和材料的焊接需求。

  • 自动化程度高:减少人工干预,提高生产效率。


  • 在汽车制造、机械制造等行业中,焊接协作机器人能够自动完成焊接作业,提高焊接效率和质量。



Regarding the application of Benson intelligent robotic arm in the field of collaborative robots such as handling, spraying, palletizing, welding, etc., the following is a detailed analysis based on the available information:

First, the company's background

Company name: Benson Intelligent Equipment (Shandong) Co., Ltd

Address: No. 311, Tailin Road, Feicheng High-tech Zone, Tai'an City, Shandong Province

Main business: The Company's main business is extensive, including bagging machines, flour machines, ball mills, vertical mills, elevators, robots, winding machines, feeders, packaging machines, unpacking machines, palletizers, wrapping machines, grinding machines, color sorters, mixers, balers, bag holding machines, loaders, dryers, depalletizers, handling machines, packing machines, manipulators, sealing machines, conveyors, etc.

2. Collaborative robot applications

1. Handling cobots


Efficient and high-precision: Benson's intelligent handling collaborative robot can accurately and quickly complete the handling task of items and improve production efficiency.

Flexible customization: Customize according to customer needs to adapt to different scenarios and load requirements.

Safe and reliable: work together with workers to ensure production safety.

Application examples:

In industries such as food, beverage, and chemicals, handling cobots are able to automatically move finished products from the production line to the packaging line or warehouse.

2. Spraying cobots


Precise spraying: Through high-precision robotic arms and intelligent control systems, precise spraying is achieved and product quality is improved.

Environmental protection and energy saving: reduce paint waste and reduce environmental pollution.

High degree of automation: reduce manual intervention and improve production efficiency.

Application examples:

In industries such as automobile manufacturing and furniture manufacturing, spraying collaborative robots can automatically complete spraying operations and improve spraying efficiency and quality.

3. Palletizing cobots


Efficient palletizing: It can quickly and accurately complete the palletizing task of items and improve production efficiency.

Adaptable: Able to handle items of different shapes, sizes, and weights.

Intelligent management: Through the intelligent control system, the automatic management of the palletizing process is realized.

Application examples:

In industries such as food, beverage, and chemicals, palletizing cobots can automatically palletize packaged products into stacks for easy storage and transportation.

4. Welding collaborative robots


High-precision welding: Through high-precision robotic arms and intelligent welding systems, high-precision welding is achieved and welding quality is improved.

Flexibility: Ability to adapt to welding needs of different shapes, sizes and materials.

High degree of automation: reduce manual intervention and improve production efficiency.

Application examples:

In industries such as automobile manufacturing and machinery manufacturing, welding collaborative robots can automatically complete welding operations and improve welding efficiency and quality.

3. Summary

Benson's intelligent robotic arm has a wide range of application prospects in the fields of collaborative robots such as handling, spraying, palletizing, and welding. These robots not only improve production efficiency and quality, but also reduce labor costs and environmental pollution. With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, Benson intelligent robotic arm will play an important role in more fields.

 上一篇:码垛机 食品印刷电子等行业高速协作码垛机器人 工业机械手臂Palletizer, food, printing, electronics and other i
 下一篇:工业协作码垛机 轻便堆垛机源头厂家 自动码垛机械人 上下料机器人Industrial Collaborative Palletizer Lightweight




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1