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  • 本森智能装备(山东)有限公司
  • 电话:156 8882 9575
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  • 地址:山东省泰安市肥城市高新技术开发区
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工业协作码垛机 轻便堆垛机源头厂家 自动码垛机械人 上下料机器人Industrial Collaborative Palletizer Lightweight
发布时间:2024-08-10 15:26:16 | 浏览次数:




  1. 山东沐恩机器人科技有限公司

    • 提供多种型号的码垛机器人,如四轴六轴码垛堆垛机、全自动组装搬运机器人等。

    • 价格范围大约在4.7万元起,具体价格可能因商品活动、购买数量或所选规格而有所不同。

    • 支持定制服务,满足不同客户的生产需求。

    • 提供质保一年的售后服务。

    • 位置:山东省潍坊市诸城市

    • 主营业务:机械臂、焊接手臂、智能搬运、切割机器人、六轴机械手、焊接机器人、码垛机器人、搬运机器人等。

    • 产品特点

  2. 东莞市旺晶科技有限公司

    • 专注于码垛机器人的研发和生产,提供食品纸箱智能搬运机器人等产品。

    • 价格较为亲民,起订价格约为1万元,适合中小企业使用。

    • 支持加工定制,可以根据客户需求提供个性化的解决方案。

    • 位置:广东省东莞市

    • 主营业务:码垛机器人

    • 产品特点


  1. 工业协作码垛机

    • 定义:能够与人类协同工作的码垛机器人,具备高精度、灵活性强的特点。

    • 应用场景:广泛应用于食品、医药、化工等行业的自动化生产线,实现快速、准确的码垛作业。

  2. 轻便堆垛机

    • 特点:结构紧凑、重量轻、操作简便,适合在有限空间内进行高效码垛作业。

    • 优势:降低设备成本和维护难度,提高生产线的灵活性和适应性。

  3. 自动码垛机械人

    • 功能:具备自动化控制系统和智能传感器,能够独立完成码垛作业,无需人工干预。

    • 优势:提高生产效率,降低人力成本,减少人为错误。

  4. 上下料机器人

    • 定义:用于生产线上下料作业的机器人,能够准确、快速地完成物料的搬运和放置。

    • 应用场景:广泛应用于机械加工、电子制造、汽车制造等行业,实现自动化上下料作业。



Here are some of the key suppliers and product features for industrial collaborative palletizers, portable stackers, automated palletizing robots, and loading and unloading robots:

First, the main suppliers

Shandong Muen Robot Technology Co., Ltd

Location: Zhucheng City, Weifang City, Shandong Province

Main business: robotic arm, welding arm, intelligent handling, cutting robot, six-axis manipulator, welding robot, palletizing robot, handling robot, etc.


Provide a variety of models of palletizing robots, such as four-axis and six-axis palletizing and stacking machines, fully automatic assembly and handling robots, etc.

Prices range from approximately $47,000 and may vary depending on product activity, quantity purchased, or specifications selected.

Support customized services to meet the production needs of different customers.

Provide after-sales service with a one-year warranty.

Dongguan Wangjing Technology Co., Ltd

Location: Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

Main business: palletizing robots


Focus on the R&D and production of palletizing robots, and provide products such as intelligent handling robots for food cartons.

The price is relatively close to the people, with a minimum price of about 10,000 yuan, which is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Support processing customization, and can provide personalized solutions according to customer needs.

Second, product features

Industrial Collaborative Palletizers

Definition: A palletizing robot that can work in tandem with humans, with high precision and flexibility.

Application scenario: It is widely used in automated production lines in food, pharmaceutical, chemical and other industries to achieve fast and accurate palletizing operations.

Lightweight stacker

Features: Compact structure, light weight, easy operation, suitable for efficient palletizing operations in limited space.

Benefits: Reduced equipment costs and maintenance, increased flexibility and adaptability of the production line.

Automatic palletizing robot

Function: With automatic control system and intelligent sensor, it can complete the palletizing operation independently without manual intervention.

Advantages: Improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and reduce human error.

Loading and unloading robots

Definition: A robot used for loading and unloading on a production line that can accurately and quickly complete the handling and placement of materials.

Application scenario: Widely used in machining, electronic manufacturing, automobile manufacturing and other industries to achieve automatic loading and unloading operations.

3. Summary

Industrial collaborative palletizers, portable palletizers, automatic palletizing robots and loading and unloading robots are important equipment in modern automated production lines, which can significantly improve production efficiency and quality, and reduce labor costs. When choosing suppliers and products, it is recommended to consider factors such as your own production needs, budget, and supplier strength. At the same time, you can also pay attention to new technologies and new products in the market, so as to keep abreast of and master the latest automated production technologies and solutions.

 上一篇:搬运,喷涂,码垛,焊接协作机器人 本森智能机械臂Handling, spraying, palletizing, welding collaborative r
 下一篇:工业码垛机器人 人机协作 自主可控 按需选型Industrial palletizing robot human-machine collaboration,




电话:156 8882 9575

邮编:0538- 3280336

网址:www. fymaduoji. com


版权所有:本森智能装备(山东)有限公司   电话:15688829575 备案号:鲁ICP备19062121号-1