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工业码垛机器人 人机协作 自主可控 按需选型Industrial palletizing robot human-machine collaboration,
发布时间:2024-08-10 15:35:05 | 浏览次数:












  1. 需求与目标:明确所需处理的物料类型、尺寸、重量和形状,以及码垛的效率和精度要求。

  2. 机器人类型与特点:了解市场上不同品牌和型号的码垛机器人,选择最适合自身需求的机器人类型(如关节型、直角坐标型等)。

  3. 性能与参数:关注机器人的承载能力、工作范围、重复定位精度、运动速度以及控制方式等性能指标。

  4. 成本与效益:考虑机器人的购买成本、维护成本、能源消耗以及人力成本等因素,并评估其带来的生产效率提升和成本节约效益。

  5. 售后服务与技术支持:选择提供完善售后服务和技术支持的供应商,确保机器人在使用过程中能够得到及时的维修和保养。


Here are some key information and features about industrial palletizing robots, especially those that support human-robot collaboration, are autonomous and controllable, and can be selected on demand:

1. Definitions and characteristics

Industrial palletizing robot: It is a robot specially used in automated production lines to grab and palletize products from the conveyor line to pallets or designated positions. They have the characteristics of high precision, high efficiency and high load capacity, which can significantly improve production efficiency and reduce labor costs.

Human-robot collaboration: It refers to the ability of robots to work together with humans in the same workspace under the premise of ensuring safety. This collaborative model requires the robot to have a highly sensitive collision detection function, a compliant control algorithm, and a safety protection mechanism to ensure that it can quickly stop and avoid injury in the event of accidental contact.

Autonomous and controllable: It means that the robot system has independent control and data processing capabilities, and is not directly controlled by external systems. This helps to ensure the safety and stability of the production line, while also allowing companies to customize and optimize it according to their own needs.

On-demand selection: According to the specific needs of the production line (such as material type, size, weight, palletizing speed, accuracy requirements, etc.), select the appropriate palletizing robot model and configuration. This flexibility helps companies maximize cost-effectiveness and meet changing production needs.

2. Application examples

In the market, there are several suppliers that offer industrial palletizing robots that meet these characteristics. For example, the RKE-PAR series of collaborative palletizing workstations launched by ROKASHI is a good example. The workstation is based on ROKASE's dedicated 5-axis collaborative robot for palletizing, which supports palletizing applications with loads of up to 21 kg and 14 kg, and has the characteristics of high speed, high precision and high flexibility. At the same time, it also supports drag-and-drop teaching calibration and graphical touchscreen operation, making it easy for ordinary workers to get started.

3. Selection suggestions

When choosing an industrial palletizing robot, enterprises should consider the following factors:

Requirements & Goals: Define the type, size, weight and shape of the material to be processed, as well as the efficiency and accuracy requirements for palletizing.

Robot types and characteristics: Understand the different brands and models of palletizing robots on the market, and choose the type of robot that best suits your needs (such as joint type, Cartesian coordinate type, etc.).

Performance and parameters: pay attention to the performance indicators such as the carrying capacity, working range, repeated positioning accuracy, movement speed and control mode of the robot.

Costs and benefits: Consider factors such as the purchase cost, maintenance cost, energy consumption, and labor cost of the robot, and evaluate the productivity improvement and cost savings it brings.

After-sales service and technical support: Choose a supplier that provides perfect after-sales service and technical support to ensure that the robot can be repaired and maintained in a timely manner during use.

To sum up, industrial palletizing robots have significant advantages in human-machine collaboration, autonomous controllability and on-demand selection, which can bring significant production benefits and cost savings to enterprises. When choosing, enterprises should consider many factors comprehensively to choose the most suitable robot products for their own needs.

 上一篇:工业协作码垛机 轻便堆垛机源头厂家 自动码垛机械人 上下料机器人Industrial Collaborative Palletizer Lightweight
 下一篇:码垛机 食品印刷电子等行业高速协作码垛机器人 Palletizer high-speed collaborative palletizing robot for




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