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国产协作机器人 码垛机械臂 +安装+应用+保养Domestic collaborative robot palletizing robotic arm + in
发布时间:2024-08-10 16:13:52 | 浏览次数:







  1. 准备工作:确保安装环境符合机械臂的规格要求,包括承重能力、空间大小、无震动等。

  2. 安装基座:将机械臂基座固定在坚固的地面上,确保基座能够承受机械臂运行时的所有力和力矩。

  3. 连接机械臂:使用适当的螺栓和扭矩将机械臂与基座连接,确保连接牢固可靠。

  4. 电气连接:根据机械臂的电气图纸,连接电源线、控制线等,确保电气系统正常工作。

  5. 调试与测试:在机械臂安装完成后,进行调试和测试,确保机械臂能够按照预设程序准确、稳定地运行。



  1. 提高生产效率:协作机器人能够连续不断地工作,且速度远超过人工,大大提高了生产效率。

  2. 降低人力成本:通过引入协作机器人,企业可以减少对人工的依赖,从而降低人力成本。

  3. 改善工作环境:协作机器人能够承担繁重、危险或重复性高的工作,从而改善工人的工作环境。

  4. 灵活性与适应性:国产协作机器人通常具备较高的灵活性和适应性,能够根据不同的生产需求进行编程和调整。



  1. 清洁:定期使用清洁剂擦拭机械臂表面和内部零部件,确保机械臂处于干净的工作环境。

  2. 润滑:根据机械臂的润滑要求,定期检查润滑油的量和质量,及时添加或更换润滑油。

  3. 紧固:检查机械臂连接部件的紧固程度,确保其安全可靠。

  4. 电气系统检查:定期检查机械臂的电气系统,包括电缆连接、电源供应、传感器等,确保其正常工作。

  5. 轨迹校准:根据需要,定期对机械臂的轨迹进行校准,保证运动精度和稳定性。

  6. 备品备件更换:根据机械臂使用情况和维护记录,及时更换老化、损坏的备品备件,减少故障发生的可能性。



Domestic collaborative robots and palletizing robotic arms: installation, application and maintenance

1. Overview of domestic collaborative robots

Domestic collaborative robots have developed rapidly in recent years, and have been widely used in the field of industrial automation with their high precision, flexibility, easy programming and integration. Among them, Han's Robot, as a leader in domestic collaborative robots, is especially suitable for palletizing and other application scenarios with its built-in advanced safety configuration functions and rich I/O interfaces.

Second, the installation of the palletizing robotic arm

The installation of a palletizing robotic arm usually involves the following steps:

Preparation: Ensure that the installation environment meets the specifications of the robotic arm, including weight capacity, size of space, no vibration, etc.

Mounting the base: Fix the base of the robot arm on solid ground to ensure that the base can withstand all the forces and moments when the robot arm is running.

Connecting the Robotic Arm: Connecting the Robotic Arm to the Base with the appropriate bolts and torque ensures a firm and reliable connection.

Electrical connection: According to the electrical drawings of the robotic arm, connect the power line, control line, etc. to ensure the normal operation of the electrical system.

Commissioning and testing: After the installation of the robotic arm is completed, debugging and testing are carried out to ensure that the robotic arm can run accurately and stably according to the preset program.

3. Application

Domestic collaborative robots are widely used in the field of palletizing, mainly in the following aspects:

Increased productivity: Cobots can work continuously and at a much faster rate than humans, greatly improving productivity.

Reduced labor costs: By introducing cobots, businesses can reduce their reliance on human labor, thereby reducing labor costs.

Improved working environment: Cobots are able to take on heavy, dangerous, or repetitive work, improving the working environment for workers.

Flexibility and adaptability: Domestic cobots usually have high flexibility and adaptability, and can be programmed and adjusted according to different production needs.

Fourth, maintenance

In order to ensure the long-term stable operation of domestic collaborative robots and palletizing robotic arms, regular maintenance and maintenance are required. Here are some common maintenance measures:

Cleaning: Regularly wipe down the surface and internal parts of the robotic arm with detergent to ensure that the robotic arm is in a clean working environment.

Lubrication: According to the lubrication requirements of the robotic arm, regularly check the quantity and quality of lubricating oil, and add or replace lubricating oil in time.

Fastening: Check the tightness of the connecting parts of the robotic arm to ensure that they are safe and reliable.

Electrical system inspection: Regularly inspect the electrical system of the robotic arm, including cable connections, power supply, sensors, etc., to ensure that it is working properly.

Trajectory calibration: Regularly calibrate the trajectory of the robotic arm to ensure the accuracy and stability of the movement.

Spare parts replacement: According to the use and maintenance records of the robotic arm, the aging and damaged spare parts are replaced in time to reduce the possibility of failure.

5. Summary

The application of domestic collaborative robots in the field of palletizing has significant advantages, and through reasonable installation, extensive application and regular maintenance, it can fully realize its potential and bring higher production efficiency and lower operating costs to enterprises. At the same time, with the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, domestic collaborative robots will play an important role in more fields.

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