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六轴协作焊接上下料搬运码垛机械手灵巧机器人Six-axis collaborative welding, loading and unloading, hand
发布时间:2024-08-10 16:17:52 | 浏览次数:






  1. 六轴设计:六轴设计赋予了机器人更高的自由度,能够灵活适应各种轨迹和角度的工作需求,实现复杂动作的执行。

  2. 协作性:作为协作机器人,它能够与人类在同一工作区域内安全、高效地协同工作,无需设置物理隔离栏。

  3. 多功能性:通过更换不同的工具和末端执行器,机器人可以轻松实现焊接、搬运、码垛等多种作业任务,提高了生产线的灵活性和效率。

  4. 精准性:高精度的控制系统和传感器确保了机器人在执行任务时的准确性和稳定性。

  5. 安全性:内置的安全系统能够在检测到潜在危险时立即停止机器人运动,确保人员和设备的安全。



  1. 制造业:在制造业中,该类型机器人可以承担繁重的装配、焊接和搬运工作,提高生产效率和产品质量。

  2. 汽车工业:在汽车生产线上,机器人可以完成车身焊接、零部件搬运和码垛等任务,减轻工人劳动强度并提高生产效率。

  3. 物流仓储:在物流仓储领域,机器人可以协助完成货物的搬运、码垛和分拣等工作,提高物流效率并降低人力成本。



Six-axis collaborative welding, loading and unloading, handling, palletizing manipulator, dexterous robot, is an automation equipment that integrates a variety of functions, which is widely used in manufacturing, automotive industry and other fields. Here's a detailed breakdown of this type of bot:

1. Definition and Function

Six-axis collaborative welding loading and unloading handling palletizing manipulator dexterous robot, as the name suggests, is a collaborative robot with six-axis rotary joints, mainly used for welding, loading and unloading, handling and palletizing operations. It combines welding processes, material handling, and palletizing technologies to complete complex work tasks efficiently and accurately.

2. Features and advantages

Six-axis design: The six-axis design gives the robot a higher degree of freedom, and can flexibly adapt to the work needs of various trajectories and angles to achieve the execution of complex actions.

Collaboration: As a cobot, it is able to work safely and efficiently with humans in the same work area without the need for physical barriers.

Versatility: By changing different tools and end-effectors, the robot can easily perform a variety of tasks such as welding, handling, and palletizing, improving the flexibility and efficiency of the production line.

Accuracy: The high-precision control system and sensors ensure the accuracy and stability of the robot when performing tasks.

Safety: The built-in safety system is able to stop the robot's movement as soon as a potential hazard is detected, ensuring the safety of personnel and equipment.

Third, the field of application

Six-axis collaborative welding, loading and unloading, handling, palletizing manipulator, dexterous robots, and smart robots are widely used in the following fields:

Manufacturing: In the manufacturing industry, this type of robot can take on heavy assembly, welding, and handling work, improving production efficiency and product quality.

Automotive industry: In the automotive production line, robots can complete tasks such as body welding, parts handling, and palletizing, reducing labor intensity and improving production efficiency.

Logistics and warehousing: In the field of logistics and warehousing, robots can assist in the handling, palletizing and sorting of goods, improving logistics efficiency and reducing labor costs.

Fourth, the development trend

With the continuous deepening of industrial automation and the rapid development of intelligent manufacturing, the dexterous robot of six-axis collaborative welding, loading and unloading, handling, palletizing manipulator, and robot will usher in a broader market prospect. In the future, this type of robot will pay more attention to the development trend of intelligence, modularization and networking to meet the needs of different industries for automated production lines. At the same time, with the continuous breakthrough of domestic robot technology and the improvement of innovation ability, the competitiveness of domestic six-axis collaborative robots in the international market will gradually increase.

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 下一篇:小型码垛 智能协作 机器人手臂 六轴机器人 20kgSmall palletizing, intelligent collaboration, robot ar




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