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搬运码垛机 协作机器人 堆放摆放后段包装设备款式多选可以定做Handling palletizer collaborative robot stacking a
发布时间:2024-08-11 08:41:33 | 浏览次数:






  • 高效性:能够快速、准确地完成搬运和码垛任务,提高生产效率。

  • 灵活性:适应性强,可处理不同种类和规格的物料。

  • 智能化:部分高端型号具备智能识别、路径规划和自动避障等功能。


  • 价格范围广泛,从几千元到几十万元不等,具体取决于设备的型号、配置和定制需求。

  • 支持定制服务,可以根据客户的具体需求进行设计和生产。




  • 安全性:具备先进的传感器和算法,能够实时感知周围环境,确保与工人的安全协作。

  • 易用性:操作简便,无需专业的编程知识即可进行简单的设置和调整。

  • 高效性:能够辅助工人完成重复性高、劳动强度大的工作,提高整体生产效率。


  • 价格因品牌、型号和配置而异,但通常比传统工业机器人更为亲民。

  • 同样支持定制服务,以满足不同行业和场景的需求。




  • 自动化程度高:能够自动完成包装、封口、贴标等工序,减少人工干预。

  • 节省空间:通过合理的堆放和摆放方式,最大限度地利用储存空间。

  • 提高包装质量:减少因人为因素导致的包装损坏和漏装等问题。



Handling palletizers, cobots, and stack-and-place packaging equipment play an important role in modern manufacturing and logistics, enabling efficient and precise material handling, palletizing, and packaging operations. Here's a closer look at these devices:

1. Handling palletizer

Handling palletizers are mainly used to carry materials from one place to another and palletize them in a predetermined way. These machines are often highly automated and flexible, adapting to materials of different shapes, sizes, and weights.

Features & Benefits:

Efficiency: Able to quickly and accurately complete handling and palletizing tasks, improving production efficiency.

Flexibility: Adaptable, can handle different types and specifications of materials.

Intelligent: Some high-end models have functions such as intelligent recognition, path planning and automatic obstacle avoidance.

Price & Customization:

Prices range from a few thousand yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan, depending on the model, configuration, and customization needs of the device.

Support customized services, which can be designed and produced according to the specific needs of customers.

2. Collaborative robots

A cobot is a robot that can work together safely and efficiently in the same space as a worker. They typically have a smaller size, lower weight, and flexible joints for easy maneuvering in tight spaces.

Features & Benefits:

Safety: Advanced sensors and algorithms can sense the surrounding environment in real time to ensure safe collaboration with workers.

Ease of use: Easy to operate, simple setup and adjustment without the need for specialized programming knowledge.

High efficiency: It can assist workers to complete repetitive and labor-intensive work and improve overall production efficiency.

Price & Customization:

Prices vary by brand, model, and configuration, but are generally more affordable than traditional industrial robots.

It also supports customized services to meet the needs of different industries and scenarios.

3. Stacking and placing the packaging equipment in the back section

The post-stacking packaging equipment is mainly used to package and stack the stacked materials for easy storage and transportation. These pieces of equipment usually include components such as packaging machines, conveyors, stackers, etc.

Features & Benefits:

High degree of automation: It can automatically complete the packaging, sealing, labeling and other processes to reduce manual intervention.

Space-saving: Maximize the use of storage space through proper stacking and placement.

Improve packaging quality: Reduce problems such as packaging damage and missing packaging caused by human factors.


Handling palletizers, collaborative robots, and stacking and post-packaging equipment have a wide range of applications in the manufacturing and logistics sectors. These equipment not only improve production efficiency and product quality, but also reduce labor intensity and labor costs. At the same time, these devices also support customized services, which can be designed and produced according to the specific needs of customers to meet the needs of different industries and scenarios.

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