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协作码垛机器人 20kg负载配升降柱 末端夹爪 含工艺包 无指令编程 图形化可视化Collaborative Palletizing Robot 20kg lo
发布时间:2024-08-11 08:46:05 | 浏览次数:




  1. 负载能力

    • 这类协作码垛机器人通常具备20kg的负载能力,能够轻松处理各种重量的物料。

  2. 升降柱

    • 配备升降柱,使得机器人能够在不同高度上进行码垛作业,适应不同高度的托盘和生产线需求。

  3. 末端夹爪

    • 末端夹爪用于抓取和放置物料,确保物料在码垛过程中的稳定性和准确性。

  4. 工艺包

    • 包含工艺包,使得机器人能够执行复杂的码垛任务,包括不同垛型的生成和堆叠,满足多样化的生产需求。

  5. 无指令编程

    • 支持无指令编程,用户无需编写复杂的程序代码,即可通过图形化界面进行任务配置和调试,大大降低了使用门槛。

  6. 图形化可视化

    • 提供图形化可视化界面,用户可以在界面上直观地看到机器人的工作状态和码垛效果,便于监控和调整。


  1. 灵活性

    • 机器人安装方式灵活,可立柱、可吊装,无需改变现有产线布局,部署灵活。

  2. 高效性

    • 机器人码垛速度快、精度高,能够显著提升生产效率和质量。

  3. 安全性

    • 配备多种安全保护措施,如防碰撞停止功能等,确保人机协作的安全性。

  4. 易用性

    • 图形化界面直观易用,普通工人经过简单培训即可上手操作。



Collaborative palletizing robots, especially those with a load capacity of 20 kg, equipped with lifting columns, end grippers, and including process packages, support for command-free programming and graphical visualization, have a wide range of applications in the field of industrial automation. Here's a closer look at this type of bot:

1. Basic configuration and characteristics

Load Capacity:

These collaborative palletizing robots typically have a load capacity of 20 kg and are able to handle a wide range of material weights with ease.

Lifting column:

Equipped with lifting columns, the robot can palletize at different heights to adapt to the needs of pallets and production lines at different heights.

End grippers:

The end gripper is used to pick and place the material, ensuring the stability and accuracy of the material during the palletizing process.

Process Package:

The process package is included, which enables the robot to perform complex palletizing tasks, including the generation and stacking of different palletizing patterns, to meet diverse production needs.

Instruction-free programming:

It supports instruction-free programming, and users can configure and debug tasks through the graphical interface without writing complex program code, which greatly reduces the threshold for use.

Graphical Visualization:

Provide a graphical visual interface, on which users can intuitively see the working status and palletizing effect of the robot, which is convenient for monitoring and adjustment.

Second, the application advantages


The robot can be installed in a flexible way, can be columned, can be hoisted, without changing the layout of the existing production line, and can be deployed flexibly.


Robot palletizing is fast and accurate, which can significantly improve production efficiency and quality.


Equipped with a variety of safety protection measures, such as anti-collision stop function, etc., to ensure the safety of human-machine collaboration.

Ease of Use:

The graphical interface is intuitive and easy to use, and ordinary workers can get started with simple training.

3. Summary

Collaborative palletizing robots play an important role in the field of industrial automation due to their advantages such as high load capacity, flexibility, efficiency and safety. In particular, models with a load capacity of 20 kg, equipped with lifting columns, end grippers, and include a process package, support for instruction-free programming and graphical visualization are particularly popular with the market. In the future, with the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, the application prospects of this type of robot will be broader.

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 下一篇:食品工业 包装线码垛 五自由度协作机器人 25kgFood industry packaging line palletizing 5 degrees of f




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